23. септембар 2014. у 04.36
Danasnji dnevni list D.T.prica o bradonjama koji su dosli jako blizu nuklearnih reaktora...Stvari pocinju da brinu,ali samo one koji ih ne poznaju.
23. септембар 2014. у 05.18
Evo nekih isecaka sa fb diskusija na ovu temu:
„Lee Boshell Why would you hang out near a Nuclear reactor in the middle of the bush?? Doesn't make sense does it??
I use to live in the area and know the fire trails well and that travel for miles in any which direction. So why hang around a Nuclear reactor? Come on ppl, with miles and miles of bush tracks to explore from the Royal National park from Helensburgh right back to Lucas Heights and you idiots are trying to justify these terrorists walking around a Nuclear reactor!!
Just plain dumb!!
amie Pollock did you see the people they caught? i dont want them anywhere near a nuclear reactor.”
Ima li mesta strahu???
25. септембар 2014. у 00.35
Njih treba popakovati u Mriju i samo ih bacati iznad Juzne Afrike. Pa neka se tamo sa camugama druže, za bolje nisu. Ili u Namibiju, još bolje. Ili Sibir.