Дискусије : Сиднеј

Spajanje Porodice
14. новембар 2011. у 01.47

Interesuje me kakva je procedura oko „spajanja porodica” Imam Strica u Sydneju on je pokrenuo postupak „Spajanje porodice” , on kaže da je to najlaksi način se Otac brat i ja preselimo u Australiju

Zanima me da li neko ima slično iskustvo ?
Na šta treba obratiti paznju ?

Zanima me bilo kakva infornacija što se tiče gore navedene tematike

Unapred zahvalan
17. новембар 2011. у 05.57
Zalim ali mislim da je slaba vajda od te fore.
To bi morali biti neki specijalni uslovi.
17. новембар 2011. у 09.10

Ne znam da li je fora ili nije , zato sam pstavio ovu diskusiju
17. новембар 2011. у 15.42
Other family reunion categories

Other family reunion categories include:

Carer relatives - This applies to certain relatives who want to provide assistance to you when you have a permanent or long-term need because of a medical condition that cannot reasonably be met by existing community or family supports in Australia. The law about this is complex. Get advice from a lawyer or migration agent. The need for assistance must be likely to continue for at least two years
Aged dependent relatives - This applies to single (including widowed and divorced) older relatives (over 60 for women and 65 for men) of sponsors who are dependent on their Australian family and substantially without support in their home country. The law about proving that the relative is dependent is complex. Get advice from a lawyer or migration agent.
Remaining relatives - This applies to a person who has no close family ties outside Australia and is the brother, sister, child or step equivalent of an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen. Proving where your relatives lives or the contact with other relatives can be complex. Get advice from a lawyer or migration agent.
Orphan relative -This applies if the person is not married and is under 18. It does not matter if a parent is alive, what is important is that they cannot care for the child, i.e. they cannot be found or they are incapacitated. The sponsor or nominator must be either the child's brother or sister, grandparent, aunt or uncle, or niece or nephew (or step equivalents).

ili ovde:


Remaining Relatives

An applicant and the spouse (if any) of the applicant must have: no overseas near-relative residing in the country in which they reside; and had no contact with such a relative -- wherever they reside -- during a reasonable period preceding the application. Together they must have three or fewer overseas near-relatives.

Overseas near-relative means a parent, brother, sister or non-dependent child of the applicant or their spouse, including step-relatives of the same degrees (for instance, step-parent, step-brother/sister). A very strict test also applies as to the meaning of contact with relatives in another country.
23. новембар 2011. у 15.58
06. децембар 2011. у 04.50
Ta vrsta vize je moguća ako je tvoj otac jedini preostali živi rodjak u Srbiji. Kad kažem „rodjak” mislim zapravo na immidiate family znaci gledajuci sa strane tvog oca njegova rođena braca, sestre i roditelji. On treba da je posledji koji živi u Srbiji da bi mogao da se prijavi za ovu vizu.
06. децембар 2011. у 04.52
I još nešto, zaboravila sam: lista cekanja za ovu vrste vize trenutno je preko 9 godina.
Zašto? Zato sto ima kvota koliko se ovih viza izdaje godisnje, znaci za sada je broj prijavljenih koji hoće da dodju popunio kvotu u narednih 9 godina.
13. јануар 2012. у 16.56

Srećni Bozicni i Novogodisnji praznici

Hvala vam sto mi pišete ,

Dobio sam informaciju od Sestre da će sad ovaj proces malo sporije ići da može da potraje i preko godinu dana zato što je povecan broj emigranata iz Libije , Izaraela , Irana ...

ali nisam naleteo na na informaciju da je ispunjena kvota za 9 godina

ako neko nešto zna o ovoj tematici molim vas pišite

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