Linux, bsd alternativa - haiku os
(poke, mem, kill)
23. јун 2020. у 10.10
ovaj os mi se uvek svidjao, sa ukoso, 24-bitnim ikonama. mogao je da se intalira pre uporedo sa windowsu 98 i dosta je napredovao otak je promenio naziv. instalira se kao ext2 linux particija sto je malo brzo od ext3 partcije linux koja je potrebna na njima. zazuzima malo vise od 2 gb za dvd ili usb, najnovija verzija iz 2020:
(poke, mem, kill)
23. јун 2020. у 10.16
imajte u vidu da net shearing, desktop network shearing je potreban za mreze, ali ga u windowsu mozete iskljuciti kroz system-folders optin. takođe sve treba da bude u sepperate memory. dobar utility za windows vistu/7/8.1 - MzTweak
(poke, mem, kill)
26. јун 2020. у 10.30
nije los, mada, hoće da s...e windows... ima freebsd verzija sa xfce-om, nadjite na ovom ruskom sajtu gde sam okacio za linux...
(poke, mem, kill)
02. септембар 2020. у 19.34
zadrzao je kompatibilnost sa 32-bitnim aplikaciama, fino...
Be Inc (founded by ex-Apple
executive Jean-Louis Gassée)
launched the BeBox in
October 1995, running its
own operating system, BeOS.
Optimised around multimedia
performance for the masses,
BeOS was intended to compete
with both Mac OS and
Windows. Lightning fast and
free of the legacies of old
16bit hardware, BeOS had
features such as symmetric
multiprocessing for multi-CPU
machines, pre-emptive
multitasking, and the 64bit
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Although the BeBox itself
was unsuccessful, BeOS was
ported to the Macintosh in
1996, and almost became the
new system to replace Mac OS.
Gassée’s $300 million asking
price was too steep, however,
and Apple went with Steve
Jobs’ NeXTSTEP OS instead.
BeOS was then ported to the
PC in 1998, along with a free
stripped-down BeOS 5.0
Personal Edition, but it failed
to gain more than a niche
audience (Microsoft may
also have worked against
its adoption). Be Inc. was
bought out by Palm Inc
in 2001.
Despite numerous
recreations, BeOS is now
survived by Haiku, a
popular open-source
re-implementation with
BeOS binary compatibility
on 32bit versions