Gledam ps 15.0 cc portable
(poke, mem, kill)
16. новембар 2019. у 10.48
i kapiram da su sc.s profili u windowsu 1 za ekran dobri a drugi za stampanje, hahaha. i ovaj, super opcija je u cc, tone i u svaki može, pa i portable da se uveze sve moguće raw podrske acsee preview najbolji. 9 ili 10. acdsee.
(poke, mem, kill)
17. новембар 2019. у 08.18
the benefit of some third-party caliration programs is that they provide much more extensive controls anen the software built into windows and mac operating systems. some of them help you creat icc monitor profiles based on the output from your printer, and some, especially online calibration products that work )or at least start) inside yoour browser, are free.
without question, thought, the simplest and among the least expensive (IF NOT THE MOST ACCURATE) are rutines built into yur computer's operating system. Since eacch one has explicit instuctions) though you will need to familiraze yourself with your monitor's controls, such as adjusting brightness and contrast=, I'll stop at telling you how to get the calibgration rautines started.
Select Calibrate to initiate the Display Calibrator Assistant
The Display Calibrator Assistant walks you through calibrating your monitor, and then it ganarates and ICC profile and associates it with your display.
ovo je za mac, moglo bi se reci
(poke, mem, kill)
21. новембар 2019. у 10.08
bio je corel bio je ps, pa se promenio od 5ice ps, pa 7ice pa cc1, nov magnet zahvat je sad umesto 2-3 i... ovaj, pa trepavice, kosa, lice, bolji isecci. e, sad, hd full je prava stvar, za posao 4kk. mac, lg ili asus bolje, biće tga 16-bita acdsee uskoro, mac je ok, neću ovde o distribucijama. 7 je sasvim ok ja sam na 8.0 i naravno 64, cmd 2003, fonts 2003, ss noviji 5-10 ili 10 do 15, ne vise...
(poke, mem, kill)
22. новембар 2019. у 14.37
najnoviji indesign sada podržava tga 32 na 24, imam knjigu :) od pre... pa šta. sto da ne.