10. мај 2012. у 12.12
F-100 Sabre - 47 lost to accidents between 1954-1961.
F-104 Starfighter - Luftwaffe loses 30% of its fleet to accidents over the life of the plane, the Canadians, 50%. Dubbed „the Widowmaker”
F-14 Tomcat - 110 total accidents over the course of the aircraft's lifespan with the Navy, almost all on landing approaches. Had a „Class A mishap” rate of 5.76 per 100,000 flight hours in 1995.
F-16 Viper - once called the „Lawn Dart” by pilots when introduced into service in 1975. 10 crashes. A year. 3.75 accidents per 100,000 flight hours. Now a safe aircraft.
02. јун 2012. у 01.39
Paaa ja sam ovde pre par godina sve lepo javio,objasnio a onaj hinjavi Steva peMzioner nije verovao plus one kravarske uguzljube nemeres prizmeniti nacisto syebani u glave a naročito u gu'ice.
Kantetine smrtonosne jasta hehhehee zato bezte kravari drzte se konja i volova.