Дискусије : Канада

Podrska nasoj lepotici
13. фебруар 2013. у 21.56
Podrska nasoj lepotici

Naše prelijepo dijete Tamara Jemuovic se kandiduje za miss Kanade i svaki lajk na FB ide u njenu korist. Ako imate FB profil, molim vas da joj damo podrsku.

10. март 2013. у 16.43
Kako će lajk obozhavalaca da pomogne nashoj lepotici? Da li će po svakom lajku da dobije 10 centi? Ili će vishe laikova da joj donese titulu lepotice? Molim pojashenjenje. ASAP.
21. март 2013. у 22.18
You can support Tamara's bid to become Canada's delegate in a number of ways:

* By finding her name and voting for her at:
www.missworldcanada.com/Contestants-2013.aspx (you can vote up to five times)

* By watching her video:

* „Liking” her facebook page will help her win the Special Media Award

* And by voting here:
When this link opens,please clik „LIKE”, the upper right corner. When the next page opens,find TAMARA JEMUOVIC and clik VOTE under her name.If „GO TO APP” appears, clik on that too.

Tamara is leading now in this Pageant by 320 points ahead of second contestant Anastasia Lin and we chear for her leadership.

Please spread the word like a smile and surround yourself with positivity !!! is Tamara's message and please don't forget to vote for this brave Serbian girl that has a chance of a lifetime to win this Pageant and in September to compete for Miss World in Indoenesia.

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