Дискусије : Канада

Dating Advice
05. фебруар 2012. у 11.10

Last week I went on a date with a guy, he is in mid 30s I am 26. It went great, both felt attraction, (he reached out across the table for a 1st kiss), he held my hand, fed me the appetizer lol, invited me to go on a trip with him for the upcoming long weekend, we also made out a little bit in the end and decided to go on a 2nd date this weekend. He instigated this date, said he would LOVE to go on another date, asked where I would like to go, etc so the plan was to meet up last night. We stayed in touch after out first date exchanging dozen of sms back an forth until Friday, and last night we were supposed to meet but I haven't heard from him at all... (Going back to our first date, he seemed so sweet, genuine, caring, easy going, smart, and really into me, and I am having hard time believing that he just decided to ignore. :S From a guy of that caliber I would AT LEAST expect an honest message saying ANYTHING back, instead of leaving it rot... Gosh, I must admit I fell for him instantly, and after our 1st date I thought „This guy was a God sent to me... lol)

During the day yesterday I only sent 1 sms saying ”just checking up on you, if we're still on for tonight?„..but no answer... Should I act concerned or just accept the fact that he wanted this, should I try reaching out in any way now? I am confused...

Does this seem like a typical boot in the a*s or he indeed might have a good reason why this happened...? Thoughts? :s
25. јул 2012. у 00.38
Let it go.

He's probably a player. Went out on a whole bunch of dates and you were his plan B.
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