Дискусије : Канада

Stalan boravak u Kanadi
28. март 2011. у 12.01
Da li neko možda ima iskustvo oko toga kako kanadsko imigraciono racuna koliko permanent resident je proveo u zemlji da bi sacuvao status.
Sve sam procitao šta piše oko toga na sajtu Immigration Canada i znam da mora da se provede u zemlji najmanje 730 dana u roku od 5 godina.
Konkretno, ja bih uskoro morao da udjem u zemlju definitivno, jer sam van Kanade zbog raznih okolnosti već 2,5 godine nakon što sam prvi put usao sa imigrantskom vizom. Međutim, tokom tog perioda ja sam u nekoliko navrata ulazio u Kanadu i proveo tamo po 4 - 6 nedelja. Nije mi jasno kako se taj period kalkulise, jer znam da kada udjem u Kanadu imigraciono me prilikom pasoske kontrole registruje. Međutim, kada izlazim iz zemlje nema pasoske kontrole i ne znam da li oni uopste mogu da imaju uvid kada sam ja izasao!?? Ako je tako, onda oni mogu da misle da sam ja na, na primer, prošle godine u Kanadi proveo možda samo nekoliko dana, a ne 2 meseca. Cenio bih ako neko može da mi da ovu informaciju.
28. март 2011. у 14.27
Zovni nekog u Kanadskoj ambasadi u Beogradu i pitaj.Oni će t najbolje reci.
29. март 2011. у 18.08
Hvala ti na sugestiji, ali već sam pitao. Kažu da to radi kanadsko imigraciono i da nemaju uvid kako se to regulise.
Zapravo, koliko sam god ljudi pitao niko ne zna da mi kaže kako se regulise pitanje izlaska, odnosno duzina boravka u zemlji. Ja negde ipak mislim da je imigraciono povezano sa aerodromskim check-in sistemom i da tako dobijaju uvid kada je neko izasao iz zemlje. Nadam se da je tako...
30. март 2011. у 00.08
Svaki put kad ulazis ili napustas Kanadu, provlace tvoju permanent resident card kroz komp i znaju koliko vremena si proveo u Kanadi a koliko izvan nje.
31. март 2011. у 13.05
Dobro je ako je tako. Meni se stvorila dilema jer poslednja dva puta kada sam izlazio iz Kanade sluzbenik na check-in nije tražio karticu, samo pasos.
31. март 2011. у 13.07
Dobro je ako je tako. Meni se stvorila dilema jer poslednja dva puta kada sam izlazio iz Kanade sluzbenik na check-in nije tražio karticu, samo pasos. Dakle, niko mi nije provukao karticu. Čini mi se da uopste na check-in ne traže kartice, sem kada ulazis u zemlju i proveravaju te na pasoskoj kontroli.
01. април 2011. у 01.06

If you travel outside Canada, when you return you must prove to CBSA that you are a permanent resident. The best way to do this is to show your Permanent Resident Card to a CBSA officer at a port of entry. A port of entry is a border crossing, international airport, or seaport.

If you do not have a Permanent Resident Card, you will need other evidence, such as a Record of Landing (IMM1000), to convince the CBSA officer at the port of entry that you are a permanent resident. But this can be difficult.

01. април 2011. у 01.08
No matter how long you have lived here, you can loše your permanent resident status and be required to leave Canada for any of the following reasons:

You lived outside Canada for more than three years in any five-year period. (For more information, see the section called What is the residency obligation?)
You used false documents when you applied for permanent residence.
You gave false or incomplete information when you applied for permanent residence, when you were granted permanent residence, or in any other immigration application or procedure.
You were sponsored by someone who gave false or incomplete information on the sponsorship application, on their own application for permanent residence, or on any other immigration application or procedure.
You were able to apply for permanent residence because your claim for refugee protection was accepted by the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) and that decision has been set aside because you gave false or incomplete information on your claim.
There were conditions on your permanent resident status but you did not fulfill them.
Before or after you became a permanent resident, you were convicted of or committed a crime outside Canada that is considered serious based on the sentence that could have been given, even if you were not given that sentence. An exception can be made if at least five years have passed since you committed the crime, or since your sentence ended, and if you can prove to Canadian authorities that you have been rehabilitated.
Before or after you became a permanent resident, you were convicted in Canada of a crime that is considered serious based on the sentence that was or could have been given, unless you have received a pardon.
CIC believes that you are, have been, or will be involved in espionage, subversion, or terrorism, or that you are a security risk for some other reason.
CIC believes that you are, have been, or will be involved in organized crime or that you belong or did belong to a criminal organization even if you have not committed a crime.
CIC believes that you have been involved in people smuggling, human trafficking, or money laundering.
CIC believes that you committed war crimes or crimes against humanity outside Canada.
CIC believes that you were a senior member of or official in a government that was guilty of war crimes or crimes against humanity, or of terrorism or gross human rights violations.
If you think that your status could be at risk for any of these reasons, get legal advice. There is more information in How to get legal help.

CLEO also has a publication called What can happen if a permanent resident is convicted of a crime. To order a copy, please see CLEO's contact information at the bottom of this article.

If you are deported from Canada, your dependent children who are not Canadian citizens may also have to leave.

01. април 2011. у 01.10
A CBSA officer who has information showing that you should be removed from Canada will write a report. The officer can then order you to attend an admissibility hearing. Admissibility hearings take place before a member of the Immigration Division of the IRB. If CBSA has written a report saying that you are inadmissible, you should get legal help immediately. It may be possible to persuade CBSA not to go ahead with an admissibility hearing.

If you are ordered to attend an admissibility hearing, it is important to get legal advice.

At the hearing, the member decides whether you have lost your status as a permanent resident.
Permanent residents must meet a residency obligation. This means they must live in Canada for at least 730 days (two years) in any five-year period or they can loše their status. These 730 days do not have to be consecutive.

To meet the obligation, you must be physically present in Canada unless you are outside the country for one of the following reasons:

you are with your spouse or common-law partner who is a Canadian citizen or, if you are a child, you are with your parent who is a Canadian citizen,
you are working full-time for a Canadian business or the federal or a provincial public service, or
you are with a spouse or common-law partner who is a permanent resident and is working full-time for a Canadian business or the federal or a provincial public service or, if you are a child, you are with your parent who is a permanent resident and is working full-time for one of these employers.

Nadam se da je opvo pomoglo i da ti je sa dmnogo jasnije.
24. јун 2011. у 17.35
Conservation du statut de résident permanent

Votre statut de résident permanent vous autorise à vivre au Canada mais restreint également la durée de vos séjours hors du pays. Pour conserver votre statut de résident permanent, vous devez résider au Canada pendant au moins deux années dans une période de cinq ans.

Očuvanje stalni boravak

Vaš stalni boravak vam daje pravo da žive u Kanadi, ali i ograničava trajanje boravka izvan zemlje. Kako bi održali svoju stalni boravak, morate boraviti u Kanadi u trajanju od najmanje dvije godine u razdoblju od pet godina.
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