Дискусије : Канада

Mozete li sebi priustiti organsku hranu u Kanadi?
28. јун 2010. у 16.16
Zbog nametnutog Codex-a alimentarius-a (koji se sve vise uvodi i u Srbiji, ali se tu još nedovoljno prica o tome), SVA hrana u Kanadi koja nije organska, sastoji se od genetski modifikovanih (GM) biljaka i zivotinja.

Cinjenica je da je organska hrana znatno skuplja nego ona „obična”, tj. GM hrana. Zanima me da li sa prosecnom platom mozete da priustite sebi da se hranite pretezno organskom hranom, koja je zdravija? Da li je to moguće za samce i za porodice?

Unapred zahvaljujem na dobronamernim odgovorima.
09. јул 2010. у 11.37
Razlika je samo u ceni. Ostalo isto jedino nalepnica kaže da je organska.
27. август 2010. у 14.34
Zavissi, kad sam tek dosla u Knadu strogu sam vodila racuna da kupujem samo organsku hranu, a onda sam ipak otkrila i da je ova hrana imala isti hormonski uticaj na moj organizam kao i da sam jela neorgansku, miom itd,...mislim kakva je to organska hrana kad isto paradaiz ili paprike su kao iz izloga kome da vjerujem da je organska? Ja sam dokazala upravo suprotno.
06. новембар 2010. у 19.48
It has been brought to my attention that most of the Soybean, Corn and Canola crop in North America is indeed genetically modified. A word of caution regarding all GM species used for human consumption:

Given a choice, birds, rodents and raccoons will stay away from fields
where GM plants are cultivated and look for their food elsewhere.

Have you heard of the policies some multinationals have put in place to monopolize the market and marginalize ordinary non-GM crop?

I was horrified when I learned of the ordeal a group of independent farmers had to go through in their legal fight to preserve their right to grow their indigenous species (not the kind you get from GM seeds protected by multiple patents belonging to Monsanto)

Slightly off the topic, but the point is, if the term organic is meant to designate something beneficial to our health, the controversies around GM species give us a chance to look more closely at this complex phenomenon and decide case by case on what we chose to have in our diet.

I know for a fact that humanitarian aid intended for the famine ravaged regions in Africa is NOT WELCOME if it contains genetically modified food stuffs, as the local intelligentsia has raised the general public's awareness high enough to rather pass on yet another ill conceived act of generosity from the West.

Hopefully Serbia will learn a lesson from this too and impose the highest standard on its organically grown produce.

08. новембар 2010. у 17.00
Hvala svima na informacijama.
Thank you, webtracker.
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