Дискусије : Берза

Spanija, posle Islanda sudi velike bankare
20. фебруар 2017. у 23.37
http://www.blacklistednews.com/Spain_Sets_Massive_Precedent_%E2%80%94_Charges_Its_Central_Bankers_in_Court/... /Y/M.html spanija, posle irske, na najvisem-nacionalnom sudu optuzuje bivšu glavesinu centralne banke, trzisnog regulatora, i 5 drugih bankarskih zvanicnika kao odgovorne za gubitak miliona evra malih investitora
„The six central bankers and one financial regulator stand accused of authorizing the public launch of Bankia in 2011 despite repeated warnings from the Bank of Spain’s own team of inspectors that the banking group was ‘unviable.’”

As AFP reports, „The National Court validated conclusions made by prosecutors who concluded that when ‘an unviable entity has been listed on the stock market, its administrators or auditor should not shoulder all the responsibility.’”

Specifics of the charges have not yet been made apparent, but as The Economist reports:

„The court is questioning why they allowed Bankia to sell shares in an initial public offering in 2011, less than a year before Bankia’s portfolio of bad mortgage loans forced the government to seize control of it. It said there was evidence the regulators had ‘full and thorough knowledge’ of Bankia’s plight. After its nationalisation, it went on to report a €19.2bn ($24.7bn) loss for 2012, the largest in Spanish corporate history.”
... http://tinyurl.com/jzozq4a
Spain Sets Massive Precedent — Charges Its Central Bankers in Court
22. фебруар 2017. у 04.26
Mislim da su na Islandu prekinuli saradnju sa MMF-om i da se Island oporavio posle one krize iz 2008 koja se krahom trzista nekretnina prenelu iz Amerike u Evropu.

Spanija spada u PIGS Evropske unije kao loše kotirane nacionalne ekonomije. Portugal, Irska, Grcka i Spanija.

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