Ima bilje koje mogu da se drže pod vestackim svetlom. Eno Vukov spomenik kad se sidje dole ima živih ne plasticnih biljki.
Spatifil, sanseveria, brsljan sa dvobojnim listovima,
Imam ja jednu knjizicu bas biljke za vestacko svetlo, nego nije mi tu. .shtml
Which plants are best for artificial light? Many flowering house plants come to mind because they need bright light to bloom: begonia, bromeliad, African violet, orchid, and cyclamen. However, many foliage plants also respond beautifully to artificial lighting: polka-dot plant, spider plant, peperomia, nerve plant, and aloe vera.
Chinese Evergreen
Peace Lily
Cast Iron Plant
Prayer Plant
Button Fern
Creeping Fig
Philodendron Vine