Дискусије : Емиграција

Za nas ovovremene+ dolazece penzose
19. новембар 2024. у 17.38
Dakle: da ova jesen ne bude bas sumorna kako to obično biva, nešto iz riznice naših nagomilanih emigrantskih iskustava,pa da to podelimo.

P.S. I u verziji na jeziku zemlje useljenja...

1.Your investment in health insurance is finally beginning to pay off.
2.Your joints are more accurate at predicting the weather than the
national weather service.
3.Your secrets are safe with your friends because they can`t remember
them either.

said to his eighty-year old buddy: „So I hear you`re getting married?”
„Do I know her?”
„This woman, is she good looking?”
„Not really.”
„I she a good cook?”
„Naw, she can`t cook too well”
„Does she have lots of money?”
„Nope! Poor as a church mouse!”
„Why in the world do you want to marry her then?”
„Because she can still drive!”

Toliko za danas...
19. новембар 2024. у 21.15
Ovaj za bracelu:

I know I shouldn`t have done this, but I am almost 88,just saying!,
and I was in the fast food drive-trough this morning and the young lady
behind me leaned on her horn and started mouthing something because
I was taking too long to place mu order while I was fumbling with the
So when I got to the first window, I paid for her order along with my own. The cashier must have told her what I`d done, because as we moved up she leaned out of her window and waved to me and mouthed „Thank you”,
obviously embarrassed that I had repaid her rudeness with kindness.
When I got to the second window, I shoved them both receipts and took her food too.
Now she had to go back to the end of the queue and start all over again.

Don`t blow your horn at old people; they have been around a long time.
20. новембар 2024. у 00.13
Za vas ovozemaljske buduće penzose velike budućnosti:
Jesti svakog jutra jedan „steak tartare” od 300g po receptu Gordon Ramsay, na podne „T-bone steak cooked rare on the BBQ”, i na večer zaprženi pasulj s kobasicom, za prirodno parno grejanje.
Pratiti berzu svakodnevno, uložiti 33% vaše ušteđevine na krčenje šuma i kupiti 1 milion US$, jer veruje se da će naredne godine vrednost dolara skočiti za 25%.
20. новембар 2024. у 08.00
U mojoj velikaniji od malog broja stanovnika, jedan milion beži preko granica. Mladi beže bilo gde za bedniji i bolji život, brojni žive na crno, dok se penzosi nanovo žene i uživaju po divljim šumama Tajlanda.

Nesrećni expats žive kao milioneri u Singapur, zbore njihove „jezike”, jedu njihovu groznu hranu, i nikada ništa ne nauče.
Najsrećniji exparts uživaju na ostrvu Cebu, govore Cebuano & Bisayan, podnose „honey from wild bee swarms”, sve tajfune i duge tropski kiše.
Treća sorta kolonizatora uživa u Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon, mon amour).

Od preostalih stanovnika, 48% stranaca i retkih starosedeoca, oko 25% drogiranih alkoholočara od 18-58 godina starosti uživaju od invalide i neoženjeni stanuju u bednom stanu do smrti njihovih samohranih majki, dok njihovi neškolovani ekstemisti nacionalisti, šovinisti i ministri rade na „Gross National Happiness” za pola miliona dolara godišnje, više od izlapelih predsednika američke republike banane.
20. новембар 2024. у 08.01
THE DIFFERENCE between genius and stupidity is that genius has it`s

I TOLD my wife she should embrace her mistakes...She hugged me.

FLABBERGASTED, appalled over how much weight yo have gained.

NEGLIGENT, described a condition in which you absentmindedly answer
the door in your night gown.

ON STAUYNG HUMBLE; I`m so happy to be home from Hollywood. I like going
back to Canada, where I`m good-looking again.



1. I want my children to have all the things I couldn`t afford.
Than I want to move in with them.

2. Any time three New Yorkers get into a cab without an argument,
a bank has just been robbed.

3. Man marry woman with the hope they will never change.
Woman marry man with the hope they will change.
Invariably they are both disappointed.
20. новембар 2024. у 08.51

As your beauty fades, so will his eyesight.
Housework can`t kill you, but why take a chance?


1. Once all villagers decided to pray for rain.
On the day of prayer all the people gathered, but only one boy come
with umbrella.
That`s FAIT.

2. When you throw babies in the air, they laugh because they know you
will catch them.
That`s TRUST.

3. Every night we go to bed without any assurance of being alive the
next morning.
That`s HOPE.

4. We plan big things for tomorrow. In spite of zero knowledge of the

5. We see the world suffering, but still we get married and have
That`s LOVE.

6. On an old man`s shirt was written a sentence; `I am 80 years old;
I am sweet 16 with 64 years experience„

20. новембар 2024. у 09.28
Peanuts and chips street vendor?
Hello po, magandang umaga, hi ate, kumusta, do you remember me? Nice to meet you, nice to meet you ma'am!

I tako sam naučio moj uličarski Asian English, koji iz ljubavi sve moje mlade saputnice iz Singapura i Koreje nazivaju „Taglish”.
Mi se lepo družimo, mlada Korejanka Eve je kupila „condo” mali stan na 47-om spratu u najlepšem gradu na svetu od 16-18 miliona stanovnika, dok moja mlađa drugarica, Anne Lim iz Singapura radi od kuće.

Znali smo mi da svi milioneri i milijarderi bolje žive od bedne raje, i kada smo sreli bednu devojčicu „peanuts and chips street vendor”, mi smo saznali da svi bedni žive bolje od nas, jer slatka mala, visoko obrazovana, poštovana i lepo vaspitana devojčica „peanuts and chips street vendor” nam je objasnila da ona radi 4h za 16 dolara dnevno, ne više od 20 dana mesečno.

Velike su to pare u zemlji u kojoj svaka učiteljica govori više od 2-3 nacionalna jezika i mesečno dobija oko 250 dolara.
20. новембар 2024. у 09.38

In a trail in small southern small town of Tennessee the prosecuting
attorney called his first witness to the stand: a grandmother, elderly
He approached her asked, „Mrs. Jones, do you know me?”
She responded, „Why, yes I do know you, Mr. Williams. I`ve known you since you've been a big disappointment to me. You lie, you cheat oh your wife, you manipulate people and talk about them behind their backs. You think you`re a big shot when you haven`t the brains to realize you never will amount to anything more than a two-bit paper pusher. Yes, I know you.”

The lawyer was stunned. Not knowing what else to do, hi pointed to
across the room and asked, „Mrs. Jones, do you know the defence attorney? She again replied, ”Why yes, I do. I've known Mr. Bradley
since he was a youngster, too. He's lazy, bigoted, he has a drinking
problem. He can`t build a normal relationship with anyone and his law
practice is one of the worst in the entire state of Tennessee.
Not to mention he cheated on his with three different woman.
Yes, I know him.„
The defence attorney almost died! At this point, the judge brought the
Courtroom to silence, called both counsellors to the bench, and in a
very quiet voice said, ”If either of you bustards asks her if she
knows me, you`ll be jailed for contempt.„”
20. новембар 2024. у 19.31
Music is silenced, the dark descending slowly
Has stripped unending skies of all companions.
Weariness grips your limbs and within the locked horizons
Dumbly ring the bells of hugely gathering fears.
Still, o bird, o sightless bird,
Not yet, not yet the time to furl your wings.
21. новембар 2024. у 06.04
Dear friend „Zlatni Borac”, could you leave me your email address?
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