Дискусије : Православље

Велики Сабор 2016. године у Цариграду
09. март 2014. у 00.58
Слава Богу и његовим Светима!

ЦЕТИЊЕ, 7. марта (Светигора прес) – Како саопштавају грчки црквени интернет портали Аmen.gr и Romfea.gr позивајући се на неименоване изворе, на сабрању предстојатеља помјесних Православних Цркава на Фанару (Истанбул) под предсједавањем Патријарха цариградског г. Вартоломеја, донијета је одлука да се Велики Сабор Православне Цркве одржи 2016. године у Константинопољу (данашњем Истанбулу).

Према информацијама истих портала из сваке помјесне Цркве ће на Великом Сабору учествовати по 20 јерараха, сваки ће имати један глас, а одлуке ће се доносити консензусом и једногласно.

У међувремену, биће основана припремна комисија ради припреме свих детаља одржавања Великог Сабора.

Жеља је и намјера да се Велики Сабор одржи у цркви Свете Ирине у којој је одржан и Други васељенски сабор 381. године.
09. март 2014. у 01.08
Обраћање Патријарха васељенског на Сабрању поглавара Православних Цркава
6. марта 2014. године, после архијерејске Литургије у Саборној цркви Светог Георгија, Сабрање православних поглавара отворио је Његова Свесветост Патријарх васељенски г. Вартоломеј и том приликом одржао је говор, из кога доносимо први део излагања у незваничном преводу. Свјатејши је изразио добродошлицу и захвалио поглаварима Цркава на подвигу љубави којом су се одазвали на његов позив.

„Приносимо славу и хвалу Богу нашем, обожаваном у Светој Тројици, што нас је учинио достојним да сазовемо још једном на истом месту ово Сабрање и позовемо вас, којима је поверена Његова благодат и милост, као и одговорност руковођења помесним аутокефалним Православним Црквама. Ово је такав шести скуп од кад смо започели оваква сабрања 1992. године, ускоро после нашег уздизања на цариградски престо. Речима псалмопојца и ми кличемо: `Како је добро и дивно када браћа живе заједно!` Наше срце је испуњено радошћу и задовољством што смо примили и целивали свакога од вас искреном љубављу, дубоким поштовањем и позитивним ишчекивањем нашег сусрета.

И ваистину, можемо рећи да је овај сусрет велики догађај и благословен и историјски. Дисање Светог Духа окупило нас је, а очи оних и у Цркви и ван Цркве брижно су уперене на ово Сабрање (synaxis) у ишчекивању назидатељне и утешне речи која је потребна нашем свету.

Ово све више повећава и појачава нашу одговорност, чинећи нашу обавезу озбиљнијом, тако да ватреном молитвом можемо потражити помоћ Одозго у предстојећем раду; наиме, без ове Божанске помоћи не можемо чинити ништа (Јован 15,5). Ово је разлог зашто смирено молимо од Господа, оснивача Цркве, да изобилно благослови наш рад и да уз помоћ Светога Духа усмери наша срца, мисли и одлуке на испуњење Његове свете воље, на јачање и печаћење нашег јединства, као и на славу Пресветог и Тројичног Бога.

Сећајући се претходних сабрања првојерархâ Православних Цркава, који су сви благодаћу Божјом крунисани потпуним успехом, имамо на уму, у благодарности, оне који су учествовали у овим скуповима а који су се већ преставили и почивају у блаженству: патријарси Партеније и Петар александријски, Игњатије антиохијски, Диодор јерусалимски, Алексије московски, Павле српски, Теоктист румунски, Максим бугарски, као и архиепископи Хризостом кипарски, Серафим Христодул атински, Василије пољски и Доротеј Чешких земаља и Словачке, чији допринос и успех ових скупова био је веома надзидатељан... Вјечнаја им памјат!

Разлози који су нас подстакли да преузмемо иницијативу сазивања овог сабрања већ су вам добро познати из мог позивног писма упућеног вама. Имајући на уму речи Светог Апостола, написали смо вам: `Борба је унутра и борба је вани` (2 Коринћанима 7,6).

За све време свога постојања у овом свету наша Црква је подносила и подноси метеж историјских трзавица што је понекад било веома болно. У овим критичним временима кроз која пролазимо овај метеж се посебно добро осећа у оним географским подручјима где је хришћанска Црква настала, развијала се и цветала наиме - у древним Патријаршијама најсветије Православне Цркве, где, често у име религије, насиље превладава и прети свима верујућима у Христа, без обзира на њихов конфесионални идентитет. С великом жалошћу и зебњом пратимо прогоне хришћана, разарање и скврнављење свештених храмова, отимање и погубљење свештенства и монаштва, чак и архијереја, као што су одавно отети Митрополит Алепа Павле из древне Антиохијске Патријаршије, и Јован Ибрахим из Сиријске Јаковитске Цркве чија боравишта су остала непозната. Пред овим феноменом, који прети самом опстанку Православних Цркава, позвани смо да дигнемо глас протеста, не као изоловани појединци или Цркве, него као једна, сједињена Православна Црква васцелог света.

Међутим, прогон хришћанске вере у наше доба није ограничен на наведене облике провокативног угњетавања. Исто толико је велика опасност, која настаје услед рапидне секуларизације некада хришћанских друштава, где је Христова Црква маргинализована из јавног живота, док су основна духовна и морална начела Јеванђеља прогнана из живота људи. Наравно, Православна Црква никада није заступала насилно наметање јеванђељских начела на људе, већ је стављала слободу људског бића изнад објективних правила и вредности. Присиљавање било које врсте не припада природи и етосу Православља. Питања која се тичу моралног живота људи Православна Црква сматра личним питањима, и њима сваки појединац слободно руководи у свом личном односу и договору са својим духовним оцем, а не мачем закона. Па ипак, ово никако не разрешава Цркву њене дужности да негује и шири јеванђељска начела савременом свету, па и кад она долазе у сукоб са превлађујућим схватањима у друштву.

Нашу Свету Православну Цркву карактерише њено ослушкивање предања из прошлости и она је у обавези да ово чини за сва времена, јер `Исус Христос је исти јуче, данас и за сва времена` (Јеврејима 13,8). Па ипак, историја иде својим ходом, јер од Цркве се захтева да ослушне и проблеме са којима се суочавају људи у свако доба.

Предањска Црква не значи окамењена Црква; то није Црква која не мари за текуће изазове у друштву. Такви изазови су посебно актуелни у наше доба. И ми их морамо ослушнути...

Извор: Васељенска Патријаршија”
09. март 2014. у 01.30
One of these derives from the rapid development of technology and the globalization that it sustains. The Orthodox Church has always been ecumenical in its orientation and structure. Its mission has always been to approach and embrace „all nations,” irrespective of race, color, or other physical features, within the body of Christ. Yet this ecumenical approach has always manifested itself within the Orthodox Church with a sense of respect for the particularity of each people, of its mentality and tradition. Today, technology unites all people, and this undoubtedly has positive consequences for the dissemination of knowledge and information. Notwithstanding, it constitutes a channel for the transmission and, indirectly, the imposition of specific cultural models, which are not always compatible with the particular traditions of the same people. The use of technology should not occur indiscriminately or without an awareness of the accompanying risks. The Church must be vigilant on this matter.

Related to this is also the issue – in many ways supported by technology – of the rapid emergence of scientific achievements, especially in the field of biotechnology. The potential of contemporary science extends as far as intervention into the innermost aspects of nature and genetic modifications capable of healing illnesses; however, at the same time, it creates serious ethical problems, on which the Church can and must voice its opinion. We should confess that the Orthodox Church has not demonstrated due sensitivity with regard to this issue. At our previous Synaxis in 2008, we decided to establish an Inter-Orthodox Committee for Bioethics, which, with the initiative of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, convened its first meeting in Crete; unfortunately, the response of our sister Churches was not adequate in order to permit the continuation of this effort. We hope that this will happen in the immediate future so that the voice of Orthodoxy may be heard on such an important subject.

Heeding the present-day existential problems of humanity, Orthodoxy too must continue its efforts for the protection of the natural environment. When the Ecumenical Patriarchate – first among all in the Christian world – highlighted the urgency of this issue, already during the tenure of our venerable predecessor Patriarch Demetrios in 1989, maintaining this effort with a series of international scientific symposia under our auspices, the Orthodox Church for a long time remained the sole Christian voice on this serious matter. Today, other Christian churches and confessions also attribute the necessary importance to this crucial problem, but Orthodoxy still provides par excellence the appropriate response through its liturgical and ascetic tradition, capable of contributing to a resolution for this crisis, which as a result of human greed and indulgence today jeopardizes the very survival of God’s creation.

Finally, our most Holy Church is obligated to pay careful and compassionate attention to the problems created by the economic framework of the modern world. All of us are witnesses to the negative consequences of the financial crisis for the dignity and survival of human personhood, an oppressive crisis for human beings in many regions of the planet, and particularly in countries regarded as being financially „developed.” Unemployment of youth, increase of poverty, uncertainty for the future – all these bear testimony to how contemporary humanity is greatly estranged from the application of the Gospel principles, something for which we too are all responsible inasmuch as we often exhaust our pastoral care on „spiritual” matters and neglect the fact that humankind requires food and basic material resources in order to live in a dignified manner as human persons created in the image of God. It is vital that the voice of Orthodoxy is heard on these matters as well in order to prove that it genuinely possesses the truth and remains faithful to the principles of the Gospel.

09. март 2014. у 01.31
One of these derives from the rapid development of technology and the globalization that it sustains. The Orthodox Church has always been ecumenical in its orientation and structure. Its mission has always been to approach and embrace „all nations,” irrespective of race, color, or other physical features, within the body of Christ. Yet this ecumenical approach has always manifested itself within the Orthodox Church with a sense of respect for the particularity of each people, of its mentality and tradition. Today, technology unites all people, and this undoubtedly has positive consequences for the dissemination of knowledge and information. Notwithstanding, it constitutes a channel for the transmission and, indirectly, the imposition of specific cultural models, which are not always compatible with the particular traditions of the same people. The use of technology should not occur indiscriminately or without an awareness of the accompanying risks. The Church must be vigilant on this matter.

Related to this is also the issue – in many ways supported by technology – of the rapid emergence of scientific achievements, especially in the field of biotechnology. The potential of contemporary science extends as far as intervention into the innermost aspects of nature and genetic modifications capable of healing illnesses; however, at the same time, it creates serious ethical problems, on which the Church can and must voice its opinion. We should confess that the Orthodox Church has not demonstrated due sensitivity with regard to this issue. At our previous Synaxis in 2008, we decided to establish an Inter-Orthodox Committee for Bioethics, which, with the initiative of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, convened its first meeting in Crete; unfortunately, the response of our sister Churches was not adequate in order to permit the continuation of this effort. We hope that this will happen in the immediate future so that the voice of Orthodoxy may be heard on such an important subject.

Heeding the present-day existential problems of humanity, Orthodoxy too must continue its efforts for the protection of the natural environment. When the Ecumenical Patriarchate – first among all in the Christian world – highlighted the urgency of this issue, already during the tenure of our venerable predecessor Patriarch Demetrios in 1989, maintaining this effort with a series of international scientific symposia under our auspices, the Orthodox Church for a long time remained the sole Christian voice on this serious matter. Today, other Christian churches and confessions also attribute the necessary importance to this crucial problem, but Orthodoxy still provides par excellence the appropriate response through its liturgical and ascetic tradition, capable of contributing to a resolution for this crisis, which as a result of human greed and indulgence today jeopardizes the very survival of God’s creation.

Finally, our most Holy Church is obligated to pay careful and compassionate attention to the problems created by the economic framework of the modern world. All of us are witnesses to the negative consequences of the financial crisis for the dignity and survival of human personhood, an oppressive crisis for human beings in many regions of the planet, and particularly in countries regarded as being financially „developed.” Unemployment of youth, increase of poverty, uncertainty for the future – all these bear testimony to how contemporary humanity is greatly estranged from the application of the Gospel principles, something for which we too are all responsible inasmuch as we often exhaust our pastoral care on „spiritual” matters and neglect the fact that humankind requires food and basic material resources in order to live in a dignified manner as human persons created in the image of God. It is vital that the voice of Orthodoxy is heard on these matters as well in order to prove that it genuinely possesses the truth and remains faithful to the principles of the Gospel.

09. март 2014. у 01.31
One of these derives from the rapid development of technology and the globalization that it sustains. The Orthodox Church has always been ecumenical in its orientation and structure. Its mission has always been to approach and embrace „all nations,” irrespective of race, color, or other physical features, within the body of Christ. Yet this ecumenical approach has always manifested itself within the Orthodox Church with a sense of respect for the particularity of each people, of its mentality and tradition. Today, technology unites all people, and this undoubtedly has positive consequences for the dissemination of knowledge and information. Notwithstanding, it constitutes a channel for the transmission and, indirectly, the imposition of specific cultural models, which are not always compatible with the particular traditions of the same people. The use of technology should not occur indiscriminately or without an awareness of the accompanying risks. The Church must be vigilant on this matter.

Related to this is also the issue – in many ways supported by technology – of the rapid emergence of scientific achievements, especially in the field of biotechnology. The potential of contemporary science extends as far as intervention into the innermost aspects of nature and genetic modifications capable of healing illnesses; however, at the same time, it creates serious ethical problems, on which the Church can and must voice its opinion. We should confess that the Orthodox Church has not demonstrated due sensitivity with regard to this issue. At our previous Synaxis in 2008, we decided to establish an Inter-Orthodox Committee for Bioethics, which, with the initiative of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, convened its first meeting in Crete; unfortunately, the response of our sister Churches was not adequate in order to permit the continuation of this effort. We hope that this will happen in the immediate future so that the voice of Orthodoxy may be heard on such an important subject.

Heeding the present-day existential problems of humanity, Orthodoxy too must continue its efforts for the protection of the natural environment. When the Ecumenical Patriarchate – first among all in the Christian world – highlighted the urgency of this issue, already during the tenure of our venerable predecessor Patriarch Demetrios in 1989, maintaining this effort with a series of international scientific symposia under our auspices, the Orthodox Church for a long time remained the sole Christian voice on this serious matter. Today, other Christian churches and confessions also attribute the necessary importance to this crucial problem, but Orthodoxy still provides par excellence the appropriate response through its liturgical and ascetic tradition, capable of contributing to a resolution for this crisis, which as a result of human greed and indulgence today jeopardizes the very survival of God’s creation.

Finally, our most Holy Church is obligated to pay careful and compassionate attention to the problems created by the economic framework of the modern world. All of us are witnesses to the negative consequences of the financial crisis for the dignity and survival of human personhood, an oppressive crisis for human beings in many regions of the planet, and particularly in countries regarded as being financially „developed.” Unemployment of youth, increase of poverty, uncertainty for the future – all these bear testimony to how contemporary humanity is greatly estranged from the application of the Gospel principles, something for which we too are all responsible inasmuch as we often exhaust our pastoral care on „spiritual” matters and neglect the fact that humankind requires food and basic material resources in order to live in a dignified manner as human persons created in the image of God. It is vital that the voice of Orthodoxy is heard on these matters as well in order to prove that it genuinely possesses the truth and remains faithful to the principles of the Gospel.

09. март 2014. у 01.31
One of these derives from the rapid development of technology and the globalization that it sustains. The Orthodox Church has always been ecumenical in its orientation and structure. Its mission has always been to approach and embrace „all nations,” irrespective of race, color, or other physical features, within the body of Christ. Yet this ecumenical approach has always manifested itself within the Orthodox Church with a sense of respect for the particularity of each people, of its mentality and tradition. Today, technology unites all people, and this undoubtedly has positive consequences for the dissemination of knowledge and information. Notwithstanding, it constitutes a channel for the transmission and, indirectly, the imposition of specific cultural models, which are not always compatible with the particular traditions of the same people. The use of technology should not occur indiscriminately or without an awareness of the accompanying risks. The Church must be vigilant on this matter.

Related to this is also the issue – in many ways supported by technology – of the rapid emergence of scientific achievements, especially in the field of biotechnology. The potential of contemporary science extends as far as intervention into the innermost aspects of nature and genetic modifications capable of healing illnesses; however, at the same time, it creates serious ethical problems, on which the Church can and must voice its opinion. We should confess that the Orthodox Church has not demonstrated due sensitivity with regard to this issue. At our previous Synaxis in 2008, we decided to establish an Inter-Orthodox Committee for Bioethics, which, with the initiative of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, convened its first meeting in Crete; unfortunately, the response of our sister Churches was not adequate in order to permit the continuation of this effort. We hope that this will happen in the immediate future so that the voice of Orthodoxy may be heard on such an important subject.

Heeding the present-day existential problems of humanity, Orthodoxy too must continue its efforts for the protection of the natural environment. When the Ecumenical Patriarchate – first among all in the Christian world – highlighted the urgency of this issue, already during the tenure of our venerable predecessor Patriarch Demetrios in 1989, maintaining this effort with a series of international scientific symposia under our auspices, the Orthodox Church for a long time remained the sole Christian voice on this serious matter. Today, other Christian churches and confessions also attribute the necessary importance to this crucial problem, but Orthodoxy still provides par excellence the appropriate response through its liturgical and ascetic tradition, capable of contributing to a resolution for this crisis, which as a result of human greed and indulgence today jeopardizes the very survival of God’s creation.

Finally, our most Holy Church is obligated to pay careful and compassionate attention to the problems created by the economic framework of the modern world. All of us are witnesses to the negative consequences of the financial crisis for the dignity and survival of human personhood, an oppressive crisis for human beings in many regions of the planet, and particularly in countries regarded as being financially „developed.” Unemployment of youth, increase of poverty, uncertainty for the future – all these bear testimony to how contemporary humanity is greatly estranged from the application of the Gospel principles, something for which we too are all responsible inasmuch as we often exhaust our pastoral care on „spiritual” matters and neglect the fact that humankind requires food and basic material resources in order to live in a dignified manner as human persons created in the image of God. It is vital that the voice of Orthodoxy is heard on these matters as well in order to prove that it genuinely possesses the truth and remains faithful to the principles of the Gospel.

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