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100% pure death fuckin metal
26. март 2010. у 07.07
Danas sam čuo sjajan death metal na death.fm online radiju. Omah je bilo jasno da se radi o Immolation, novom albumu...
Pošto me je lagana pesmica vise nego prijatno iznenadila, potražio sam prikaz albuma po internetu. Onda sam naisao na ovaj SJAJAN tekst.
Momak koji je ovo napisao ume da slusa Death Metal. Pored toga, ume veoma lepo da piše.
Na zalost, mnogi „obrazovani” muzicki „strucnjaci” i razni mrsomudi zaradjuju platu pišuci gluposti i lececi razne komplekse.
A ovaj nepoznati momak, tamo negde na internetu, za DZ, napise pravu lekciju o onome sto prestavlja dobar Death Metal.
osecam potrebu da ovaj biser podelim sa par slučajnih citalaca, na ovom zaboravljenom kutku interneta:

•Seamless, excellent songwriting.
•Flawless production that conveys a sense of great weight.
•Fantastic musicianship.
•None. Immolation have hit their pinnacle with this album.
•Released March 9, 2010, on Nuclear Blast Records.
•Immolation hail from Yonkers, New York, and have been together as a band since 1986.
•This is the band's eighth full-length album.
Guide Review - Immolation - 'Majesty and Decay'
Long running, highly regarded death metal outfit Immolation return with Majesty and Decay, an absolutely monstrous album that showcases a veteran band at the top of their game.
Immolation have always been a band to buck death metal conventions. Rather than resorting to all out blasts to convey a sense of brutality, Immolation rely upon totally unconventional song structures; that is, within what is usually classified as brutal death metal, to give their music a feeling of spiraling, uncontrolled chaos. Immolation have adopted this unique approach to death metal, and have honed their craft to near perfection on Majesty and Decay.

First off, the musicianship from Immolation is absolutely stellar, with precise riffing delivered by guitarist, and band co-founder, Rob Vigna and veteran second guitarist Bill Taylor, who has now been with the band for nearly ten years. Adding further to the quality of the musicianship is the unconventional drumming of Steve Shalaty, a percussionist whose precision greatly enhances the feeling of spiraling chaos.

Co-founder Ross Dolan’s bass is deeply heavy, but his scathing, understandable vocal attack against all things religious anchors the band’s overall sound and lyrical theme. Most importantly, rather than compete with each other, each member of Immolation greatly enhances the others, resulting in a harmonious band that is easily able to pull off their unconventional attack.

And unconventional that attack happens to be. What most impresses this reviewer about Immolation is their ability to write and perform very complex musical compositions without resorting to the progressive/ technical tricks, if you will, that are prevalent in most overtly technical death metal outfits operating today. The unusual time changes, the different riffs that flow within a song, the precise vocals from Dolan, all are written together seamlessly within Majesty and Decay, an album that would probably fall apart into an incoherent mess in the hands of those less capable.

The key word is seamless; that is, the songwriting is so good on Majesty and Decay that the songs all flow together, and within one another, such that the unusual time changes, anchored by Shalaty, appear to be quite natural. Immolation have adopted this approach to death metal since Failures For Gods, but the results have been a bit mixed in the past. With Majesty and Decay, any past problems to the band’s approach to their craft are long gone (as they’ve been since Close To A World Below, for that matter).

Also worth mentioning is the quality of the flawless production from long time producer Paul Orofino. All of the instruments are presented in perfect clarity, yet the album has a great deal of crushing weight to it. The production is a perfect complement to an already, nearly flawless album.

In short, I’ve no doubt that Majesty and Decay will reside within many of the year’s top ten lists, and is one of the first „must have” releases of 2010. Buy or die.


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