Дискусије : Велика Британија

Pogresno spelovano ime na karti :/
28. фебруар 2012. у 06.43
Kupio sam kartu avionsku i greškom upisao svoje ime Srdjan dok na pasosu piše Srdan (bez slova J).

Da li mislite li da to nije važno, neprimetno?

Prvo ću vas pitati za mišljenje jer ako nazovem Wizzair prvo će naplatiti 70p/min razgovora a posle minimalno £20 za ispravku greške.
28. фебруар 2012. у 08.59
Kuliraj, dok oni to primjete, proso voz. a i ako primjete, reći da nije tvoja greška:)
02. март 2012. у 11.38
ha ha
pazi ovo
prošle godine, ja i devojka isli dole.
jbg ja greškom stavio za nju da je mr umesto miss
niko nije ništa rekao ni ovde ni dole
tako da je velika verovatnoca da te niko neće ništa pitati.
uostalom, na check-in desk-u rade ljudi iz naših krajeva (istok) tako da i ako uoce skapirace o cemu se radi.

srećno i bon voyage
02. март 2012. у 16.25
Pozz. Možda ti ovo pomogne i ja sam pre par dana bukiro kartu i pogresio . Ovo je sa wizzarsucks foruma

C.ovis says:
November 14, 2011 at 3:50 pm
My Honest opinion (Just to state that i DO NOT work for the airline or i don’t get out much.)
I found this site because i had a problem with Wizzair.
I booked a flight for me & my wife to Budapest, yet inadvertently named her as „MR”
I tried to change it on line immediately after booking & it came up as a £68 charge to change it , bear in mind that this was £14 more than the actual flight cost.
This really got my back up so i googled „wizzair complaints” and found this site.
Having read through all the comments, i thought sh*t, no chance of sorting this out amicably so i needed to be armed with other examples from here.
One comment stuck out, how they had actually rang Wizzair & they sorted it out (wrong name) over the phone, free of charge.
I thought , yeah right, no chance but i gave it a go anyway.
I did not phone their 77 pence a min number to speak to an English speaking person,
I got this number instead from „saynoto0870″
08712657257, which is a lot cheaper.
I got through straight away but the language was in Polish.
Thinking it was just a menu, i pressed ”1″ & somebody speaking in polish answered immediately.
As soon as i said English he asked what language i’d like, when i said English, he spoke fluently in English.
I explained my problem & he instantly sorted it out, there & then, as well as sending me an email to confirm that my wifes name had been changed from Mr to Mrs.
This all took less than a minute to do, He was so polite, courteous and very, very helpful & efficient.
I’m like a lot of people on here, i don’t take kindly to being „ripped off”.
But jesus, i can’t fault this airline at all,
I expected a battle yet it was so easily sorted out.

Dakle nazvo sam taj 08712657257 broj stisnuo 1 i pito tipa jel prica engleski i on mi sve sredio za 2 minute.
05. март 2012. у 06.59
Hvala ti Miker,
Evo upravo sam nazvao i stvarno su bili ljubazni, promenili su bez problema.
E sad je opusteno :)

Hvala ti još jednom :)
18. јул 2012. у 21.05
E, pa to je super. Ja bas htedoh da odradim check-in i unosim svoje podatke. Međutim, poslednji deo te male forme je bilo o vizi. Ja vizu nemam, samo UK pasos a polja se moraju popuniti; ne daju dalje dok ne uneses taj podatak. Koji je vas savet? Hvala!
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