Citanjem vesti u vezi leta MH17 cudilo me to da uopste lete civilni avioni kroz ratno podrucje.
A kada procitah da civilni saboracaj svih država tuda leti, samo ne americkih i to još od aprila ove godine, setih se onog: Cui bono?
Mada, ne isljucujem uopste da su se ruski separatisti u Ukrajini malo zaneli ratnih igara i slučajno oborili taj avion.
Ali, opet mi smrdi, ceo svet leti preko Ukrajine, samo Ameri ne.
Aviation expert Heinrich Grossbongardt tells DW:
HG: Until now, major arms suppliers - whether Americans or Russians - have paid very close attention to ensure that anti-aircraft missiles that could endanger commercial aircraft are not delivered to resistance groups. If the rebels were responsible, it will be necessary to find out how they could come into possession of such a weapon.
DW: Some US airlines stopped flying over eastern Ukraine in April. Was it not negligent of other airlines to continue to fly there?
HG: No, it wasn't negligent. Although the US Transportation Safety Authority may have issued a warning, responsibility for European airspace rests with the European air safety authority, which has many years of experience.