Pomoć za dolazak u Kanadu
Pozdrav ljudi,
Hello people, english text is at end of my e-mail.
Potrebna mi je donacija na Crowd Funding sajtu
Meni se pruzila neverovatna prilka da odem u Kanadu, za početak na 12
meseci. Prilika je neverovatna jer posle mogu da se snadjem za
direktnu radnu dozvolu od poslodavca i da ostanem zauvek .
IEC je program u kome mogu da ucestvuju državljani 20-ak zemalja,
između ostalih od skoro i Hrvatska.Pošto imam i Hrvatski i Srpski
pasos prijavio sam se i uspeo da udjem u kvotu od 275 ljudi koje
primaju ove, godine brzo se kucalo pa sam bio 116ti, ukupno se
prijavilo 750 . Pogledajte na linku ispod.
Da bih uspeo u tome treba mi vasa pomoć. Zahtev od programa
International Experience
Canada je da pri ulasku u zemlju imam povratnu kartu, kupljeno
zdravstveno osiguranje za
ceo period boravka i 2500 dolara kod sebe. SVAKA DONACIJA MI JE VAžNA
, od najmanje do koliko god želite.
Znate kakva je situacja u Srbiji. Znate da je to nemoguće ustedeti i
sa jakim poslom a kamoli u situaciji da sam nezaposlen, bankrotiran..
a moram da udjem do septembra 2014 u Kanadu .
Već tražim poslodavca preko oglasa u kanadi i nasao sam neke opcije, .
Neću biti izbirljiv i idem tamo gde treba novih ljudi , u
provinciju Albertu ili Manitobu ili Saskecvan , da bih mogao da ostanem.
Na prvom koraku na stranici za donacije
kliknite na DONATE na listi, ako pomazete iz Srbje ne birajte zemlju jer nas nema, kanade ima ,ukucajte ostale podatke , na drugom koraku za naplatu donacije s
kartice za online placanja izaberite Serbia and Montenegro, americki
je sajt, nisu ga još updateovali sa novim državama . minimalna
donacija je 5 dolara, oko 360 dinara po kursu danas.
Hvala za svaku pomoć
nemam drugi način nego masovna prikupljanja, l kako to kažu „crowd funding”
http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/croatia-croatie/experience_canada_experience/international_experience _canada-experience_internationale_canada.aspx?lang=eng
i na
Hello people
I need donations to me through a Crowd Funding site
I been given the incredible oportunity to go to Canada for a initial
perod of 12 months . The opportunity is incredible , because after
that I can manage for a work permit with the employer , to stay
forever .
IEC is a program in which citizens of some 20 countries can
participate . Among others croatian citizens can from recently . Since
and I have Croatian and Serbian passport I applied and managed to get
into the quota of 275 people which gets accepted, with the fast
pounding I was 116 th , total number of applied is arround 750 .
Look at the link below .
In order to succeed in this i need your help . The requirement of the
program International Experience
Canada is that when entering the country have a return ticket , bought
health insurance for
the whole period of stay and $ 2,500 on with me . Each donation is
important to me , from the least to as much as you want .
You know what isthe situation in Serbia . You know that's impossible
to save and with strong job, let alone in a situation that I'm
unemployed, bankrupt .. and I have to actually manage to enter Canada
during 2014, preferably before September
I am looking for Employers already looking through ads in Canada, and
I found some options , and a safe option over Actyl group , which
mediates between employees and employers . Of course I will go where
there is need new people in the province of Alberta or Manitoba or
Saskecvan , rather than to stick it to Vancouver and Toronto as many
other people. Caise i want to stay forever.
If you are donating me from Serbia or any other country not on the
list for donations on the first step of DONATE page read this :
The first step on the page for donations
http://www.gofundme.com/6ci5z4 click on DONATE , do not choose any
country on the list if there is no yours listed , like in case of
Serbia. In the second step you can choose Serbia and Montenegro in
online payment details for a card purchase . is an American site ,
they did not update it with new countries. minimum donation is $5 ,
about 360 dinars exchange course today .