Forums : Toronto

28. Jun sends 50 tons of aid from Toronto and Chic
2014-07-12 03:10 PM
28.Jun sa zadovoljstvom objavljuje da smo ove nedelje poslali dodatnih 50 tona pomoći za postradale u poplavama u Srbiji i Republici Srpskoj. Kontejner u Torontu je utovaren u utorak, a kontejner u Čikagu u četvrtak, pomoć je poslata brodom, a primiće je Crveni krst Srbije za mesec dana.
Pre dve nedelje 28.Jun je poslao avionom prvih 30 tona pomoći u Beograd, a Crveni krst je već otpočeo distribuciju pomoći. Članovi 28.Jun-a redovno obilaze poplavljena područja. Sa ovom pošiljkom do sad smo poslali oko pola celokupne pomoći iz Severne Amerike, među kojom su sredstva za higijenu, medicinska oprema kao i sredstva za raščišćavanje štete nakon poplava. Ukupna vrednost robe koju smo dostavili i koju ćemo uskoro dostaviti je procenjena od strane nezavisnog izvora na 1 500 000 dolara.
Milo Dubak, koordinator 28.Juna u Americi rekao je: „Želeo bih da zahvalim svima koji su pomagali od prvog dana u ovako teškim vremenima za ljude u našoj domovini koji su pogođeni poplavama. Divno je videti kako su svi ujedinili i postigli nešto izuzetno, ovo treba da služi kao primer za Srbe širom sveta da ukoliko radimo zajedno možemo postići neverovatne stvari i to ne samo u kriznim situacijama već svakodnevno.”
*Roštilj za volontere iz Čikaga i Toronta je odložen, ovo se odnosi na roštilj planiran u Diksiju u ovu nedelju koji je odložen zbog „lošeg vremena”
28. Jun sends 50 tons of aid from Toronto and Chicago, Complimentary BBQs for volunteers postponed
28. Jun is pleased to announce we shipped off 50 tons of humanitarian aid destined for flood victims in Serbia and Republika Srpska this week. The container in Toronto was loaded on Tuesday and the container in Chicago was loaded on Thursday, they will travel by ship and reach the Red Cross who are accepting the aid in about 1 month time.
Two weeks ago 28. Jun flew in the first 30 tons of aid into Belgrade and the distribution of that aid has already begun by the Red Cross. 28. Jun members are in the effected areas overseeing the distribution of the aid. With this shipment we have now sent about half of all the aid in North America which includes hygiene supplies, medical equipment and cleaning supplies needed for post-flood recovery. The total value of the aid we have delivered or are in the process of delivering has been independently appraised at $1.5 mil.
The 28. Jun coordinator for the US Milo Dubak said „I want to thank everyone that has helped from day one in this time of need for our people back home who were devastated by the floods. It is wonderful to see everyone come together and accomplish something great and it should set an example for Serbian people everywhere that if we do come together great things can be achieved and not just in time of devastation but on the daily basis!”
*Complimentary BBQs for our volunteers in Toronto and Chicago have been postponed, this includes the scheduled BBQ at Dixie this Sunday which as been canceled due to 'bad weather'
To learn more about 28. Jun or to donate visit
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