Forums : Automoto

E Class
(The Best or nothing...)
2014-01-08 04:19 PM
lepo je covek rekao,,„jedan od najboljih automobila to mozete kupiti..tacka!”
2014-01-08 11:11 PM
Izgleda je mene vreme pregazilo posto mi ovo lici na Lexus ?:) Ili Mercedes pokusava da pridobije sto vise azijata znajuci kome raste kupovna moc ? Što se mene tiče 'slon' je poslednji pravi Mercedes...
(The Best or nothing...)
2014-01-09 04:22 PM
Ne moze Mercedes da kopira lexus i ostale „zutace”,može samo obratno,,zna se ko je „tata”.Mercedes je uvek postavljao domaći zadatak u autoindustriji pocevsi od dizel motora,Air bagova,Serva,ABS...itd do danasnjih sensora,nekih svemirskih tehnologija koje drugi pokusavaju da kopiraju,,
slazem se da je zadnja prava mecka bio W 140 ili „slon”..poslednji „pravi” hand made„ automobili ”sto su imali dusu„ su se pravili do 2000 godine..
mada je najnovija S klasa kako kažu možda ”najbolji auto do sad napravljen„..”
2014-01-10 01:09 AM
šta kaže, ima samo jedan auto na svijetu, mercedes.ovo ostalo su pûka prevozna sredstva.
žena može biti čak i iz japana, ali auto mora biti iz njemacke.
2014-01-11 07:31 PM
Za E klasu pogotovo dizel verziju sve pohvale.Kažu da E stoji za „excellence”.
Ali to nije slučaj sa C klasom I S kupeom.Jevreji su dugo izbegavali Benz zbog toga što se Adolf vozio u njemu.Ali , vremena se menjaju.
Jedan moj poznanik jesa koji ima svoj biz I pun je k'o brod je kupio novi S 65 AMG pre par godina. I motor mu rikne na 20.000 milja ! Hahahahahaha !!Htedoh mu reći da je Leksus zakon ali nekim ljudima dzabe govoris.
2014-01-12 05:16 PM
rikne mu motor na 20000, kad već lažeš, dodaj još da mu mercedes nije priznao garanciju
da se još i dan danas sa njima sudi.
kad je mercedes auto proizvodio japanci su se još gadjali sa lukom i strijelom.
2014-01-12 05:18 PM
da ti kažem, ima jedno 30 godina kako nisam čuo da je nekom riknuo motor.
će rikne na amg 65-ići.
2014-01-12 07:17 PM
Bill writes:
I owned a new 2000 S500 and now a new 2003 S500 4 matic. With cars you have cheap junk and more expensive junk.I think this is my last Benz, I owned 2 previous to 2000 car.They get worse with every model year. Consumer reports with the best models and worst models came out today and big surprise,not,the S500 the worst,I should know since I filled out one of the surveys. Name something and I have replaced or fixed it several times.My problem is that I live 130 miles from the dealer here in the mountains of Colorado and also own a restaurant so that is two strikes against me to get the problems fixed. Buy a used Yugo and you should have better luck.
2014-01-13 06:33 AM
neko će jednog dana kopirati ovaj tvoj gore komentar i postirati na neki forum, a blage veze s mozgom nema.
bili nit je luk miriso nit luk jeo, isto kao ni ti.
vozi taj sporet na baterije i cuti.
2014-01-13 12:04 PM
ring ti previse ponizavas zute sa istoka . Samo sto sam se vratio iz
Srbije i tamo sam video najnoviji KIA ProCeed , kupio ga jedan drugar
od moga brata . Auto ima 204 KS , sportska verzija i oni nameravaju da sa njime konkurisu Golfu GTI .
Mogu vam reći da to auto , ta KIA izgleda toliko superiorno za pare koje das da je to već previse ozbiljno .
Ti ring kažeš da kada su Nemci radili auta mali zuti nisu ni znali šta je auto . To je tačno , ali su se mali zuti „naucili” i stalno napreduju Ta Kia Pro Ceed sa zestoko konkurentnom cenom , garancijom od 7 godina i kvalitetom koji ima će i te kako baciti u zestoke glavobolje i VW i Francuze , a Italijani ( FIAT) SU već svetlosnu godinu iza .
A procitah da elektronski gigant SAMSUNG namerava da udje u auto
industriju . Pa zamislite za 5 godina a nesmem ni pomisliti stace biti
za 10 kada gigant SAMSUNG udje u sve to i naravno pomogne svoje KIA i
Hjundai .
Samo da napomenem da sam procitao negde da SAMSUNG ulaze godisnje na
reklame vise nego je ceo BND propale Srbije . A finansijski je ukupno
jači barem 10 puta koliko ceo Balkan zajedno , jer se na Balkanu osim
možda malo u Rumuniji gotovo ništa ne proizvodi vise .
Odavde naravno izuzimam Tursku koja polako prerasta u ekonomskog dzina
Ne pocenjujte ove sa istoka , zapad će i dalje izlaziti sa idejama
tu dileme nema , Nemcu je u genima da stvara , Italijanima takođe
ideja nikada nije hvalilo , ali jedno je „zimišljati” a saasvim
hiljadito proizvesti to ( izmišljeno) po ceni koju će moći velika
viecina da plati . E tu zapad vise nema gotovo nikakvih sansi sa
malim zutima , nikakvih pa ni teoretskih .
Upamticete vi ove reci . Mercedes jeste Mercedes , ali neko to mora
da može i da plati . Pa da nema porasta prodaje u Kini pitam se da li
bi prodali i pola tih luksuznih auta koje uspeju prodati .
Prodaja i EU i USA je odavno desetkovana .
Pa živi bili pa videli šta će biti .
2014-01-13 12:40 PM
„Mercedes-je-Mercedes” tipicna srpska kovanica iz onog gastarbajterskog vremena kad je srednjoj klasi u bivšoj SFRJ stojadin bio „misaona imenica”. Ovde kod mene ima dosta dobrostojecih lekara, veliki medicinski centar je u pitanju. Slabo nešto vidjam Mercedese, Uglavnom vidjam Acure I Lesksuse I po koji BMW i Audi, a ima I americkih SUV-ja (onih stvarno obgromnih, velicine Lincoln Navigator ako se ne varam) koliko hoćeš. Mislim da su svapski auti dosta izvikani, a kad na to dodas da retko koji mehanicar hoće se prihvati njihovog servisiranja, jasan je postepeni pad popularnosti. Sto Bezier rece, da se Kinezi i Indijci ne pale toliko na Mercedese, Audije, ne bi se oni puno ovajdili od americkog trzista.
2014-01-13 04:45 PM
A dobra je fora karakterima iz MB kada im dovedes problematično auto.„Kada kupis Mercedes kupujes luksuz , ne savrsenstvo”
Ne kažu ali se podrazumeva da ako želiš savrsenstvo kupi Toyota-Lexus. :)
(The Best or nothing...)
2014-01-13 09:57 PM
Ring„ svaka ti je na mestu..
Nenade ne znam gde ti čitaš da je prodaja Mercedesa u USA desetkovana,kad je bas objavljeno da je Mecka najprodavanija u klasi,ispred BMW i lexusa..”
2014-01-13 11:41 PM
Dragance pazi ništa nije savrseno pa ni Lexus . Ja lično kada sam se
letos castio autom sam razmišljao između Mercedesa C300 i Lexusa IS
i izabrao Lexus . Nisam se poakajao naravno . Ali daleko od toga da je
i Lexus savrsen , no meni je ta pouzdanost bila vodilja jer nisam hteo
da se zabavljam sa mehanicarima , mada to ne znači da se svi vasnici
Mercedesa sa time sreću , no ipak Lexus je sigurno pouzdaniji od Mecke
za dobru nijansu . Iako je recimo prvi utisak kada udjes u Mercedes C
klase fenomenalan zbog promene svetla i taj interior je za nijansu lepse
uradjen . Ali kod mene je prevladala pragmaticnost .
To ne znači da neću nikada kupiti Mercedes . Ako posao krene ludacki
pa resim da kupim još koji auto , možda to bude i Mercedes , ali sada
mi Lexus bas odgovara .
Ali mislim da je ona Balkanska izreka Mercedes je Mercedes ipak rezultat
neznanja i neinformisanosti . Ništa nije savrseno , ali danasnji
Mercedesi nisu ništa bolji od Lexusa , dapace možda su dizajnerski
bolje odradjeni , ali Lexus ( 100% made in Japan sa sve japanskim
del;ovima) mi svakako uliva daleko vise pouzdanja da neću imati kakvih
potencijalnih problema nego Mercedes sa delovima sve vise prozvedenim
izvan Nemacke i sa jedno 40% turaka na linijama u nemackoj .
Ipak je Japanac , japanac a Turcin , Turcin. nebo i zemlja . Meni
dovoljno a svako ima pravo da sam odabere šta mu srcu drago .
(The Best or nothing...)
2014-01-14 04:42 AM
prvu i poslednju recenicu od Nenada sam hteo da kažem,,

'Ništa nije savrseno sto ljudi naprave i svako bira ono sto voli..
ja sam probao skoro sve marke i Mecka je najbolja,najudobnija i sve ostalo za voznju i niko nikad me ne bi naterao da uzmem lexus(da se nekvari) imao samo preko 10 MB do sada(sve polovni) i nisam nikakav tezi problem imao..ko stalno misli na kvarove bolje da ide prevozom i ne uzima auto..
to da samo Srbi cene Mercedes je glupost,jer bilo gde na svetu svi znaju šta je MB,dok za Lexus i sl, veliki deo sveta nije ni čuo,,
2014-01-14 09:55 AM

...jer bilo gde na svetu svi znaju šta je MB,dok za Lexus i sl, veliki deo sveta nije ni čuo.

Prvi Mercedes proizveden 1926. godine.
Prvi Lexus proizveden 1989. godine.

Razlika u starosti ova dva „brand”-a je 63 godina (vise od pola veka)Dodaj na to kakva je konkurencija bila u auto industriji u prve 2/3 dvadesetog veka a kakva je dana. Treba li uopste bilo šta diskutovati ovde.
(Slobodni umetnik po sopstvenom)
2014-01-14 01:39 PM
Imao sam sve mb klase trenutno zadnjih 8 - 9 godina slona 1999,a
zadnjih 3 sam kupio I bmw 525i,i nešto sam razmišljao...slona sam
hteo da „trejdujem” za 14 lexusa(nisu me razumeli),onda sam im dao
opciju da trejdujem bmw za 24 „camrija” opet me nisu razumeli,kapiram
da su mi automobili polovni - njima nikako nije bilo jasno kako sam
dosao do te matematike 14 lexusa I 24 toyote(...tražio sam da svi budu
crveni)samo zato da bi mi ulica bila prepoznatljiva jer bi sve te japose
podelio komsiluku,a ja bih opet sebi kupio nemacki „kolateral”1999-2003
jer to sad kosta nikoliko,a vredi sve pare...

p.s.Nikada nisam razumeo vlasnike lexusa - šta oni voze,modifikovane
corolle I camry-je,a žele mb luksuz i komfor?Sa slonom često mi se desava
da ti lexusi bi da se potrkaju,a sa bmw-om acure...oni su mi stalne
musterije kojima dajem po dupetu :)...indijanci u japanskim kolima :)
2014-01-14 02:23 PM
We have owned 3 mercedes benz and I may say that all 3 cars have been an absolute waste of money.
1)E Class
2)C Class
3)S Class

I couldnt have been more disappointed with these cars.

My E Class since we bought it had issues with the AC. Nobody was able to solve the problem. The car stopped in around 1 foot of water and it cost me a hell lot of money to get that fixed. Even a maruti could go through double the depth of that water on that day.

My C Class might have had all parts on the car changed.
The alternator failed-which I am sure was a lie.

The AC coil has been replaced more than I can even count now. I did a bit of research and that particular C180 had the coil placed in the wrong place due to which this problem occured which was rectified with the newer Kompressor models. Why did MBIL not have the guts to accept this and change it?
In the same car even today they are not able to diagnose why the AC changes the speed on its own even when the Auto Climate is Off. Car went to the dealer here and they said you need to change the whole thing because our computer shows no fault-even Mercedes Benz have no clue what is going on with their products.
The Fuel Pump of the car failed into its 3rd year.
The ignition coils have been replaced many times.
I have contacted MBIL ample of times and all they give are absolutely rude replies.
I am quite sure Cama Motors would have a much more elaborate data on the things that have gone wrong in this car.
It's a pity to say that my car might have been to the workshop for physical repairs only once in these many years as against every 3-6months for electrical failures and faults.
The clothing from the ceiling has come out and i have been told to have a person who does Sofa's do it for me as they cannot do it! Funny just imagining calling a Sofa person to fix my Merc.
The lcd display behind the steering is also gone.

Coming to my S350. It has been 7 years now and MBIL havent found the problem in the AC of my car. They have had people come down from Pune but they still could not find the problem. They fail to diagnose it saying our computer can not go beyond a point so change a part worth Rs.1 lakh then our computer MIGHT be able to detect the problem. And after that if you might need to replace the compressor and other few things which might cost you a total of Rs.5lakh and I was asked to rather get rid of this car and buy their new S Class. Frustrated with the replies I sent my car to Cama Motors after having a talk with Mr.Cama and it took him 1 day and cost me Rs10,000 to atleast find a temporary solution to my problem.
My S350 had also met with an accident and the airbags failed to open in the car and after reading the articles where 2 unfortunate people who had blind trust in Mercedes lost their lives I feel that even my car is equally unsafe.

I do agree that all cars might have issues but when you spend lakhs of hard earned money in buying what you think is possibly the best car you can buy in India to go through all of this as a customer is an absolute pity with MBIL not ready to take any responsibilty at all and just giving rude replies(more of LIES) in the end.

It's really good to see that Cama Motors have have taken the intiative to reveal the facts that have been blinding us customers since more than a decade.

I have never had such issues with the cheapest of cars.

I hope that MBIL open their eyes and do the corrective for all of this otherwise they have already lost out to BMW and Audi.
2014-01-14 02:32 PM
He he he, ovi koji voze Acura-e I Lexus-e voze vrlo pouzdan auto vrhunskog kvaliteta I zadovoljavajuceg luksuza.
Ovi koji voze „Mecke” voze izvikane Nazzi-automobile, ali zato na rados mehanicara. Zapamti, kad kupis Mecku i BMW-a, na prvom mestu si usrecio dilera, zatim mehanicara (ako ćeš da zadržiš auto duže vreme) tek na kraju sebe.
(Pacifing by force)
2014-01-14 05:41 PM
Najcesce oni koi ne voze MB ili BMW kukaju na iste .
(sisac golubova)
2014-01-14 10:15 PM
Nazi je Nazi, rasturio vam zemlju a vi poltroni , nije vam zao dupeta I kupujete od svaba, niti imate ponosa niti ocevine , no to nije ni cudo od poturica
(svratio samo na 5 minuta)
2014-01-15 01:42 AM
Jedno mišljenje o MB, interesantno razmišljanje
2014-01-15 02:49 AM
naći tamo, naći ovamo
ali da nije njih bilo mi bismo još jasili konje.
(Ministar za klanje svinja)
2014-01-15 03:37 AM
Dragan iz Menhetna, taj raport je pisan od nekog Indijca, po stilu pisanja je provaljen. Drugo, taj je vlasnik Mercedesa u Indiji, a tamo, svi gledaju da nekog negde zavrnu, kao i u Srbiji. O servisima i edukaciji mehanicara, ne želim da pricam, jer imam podatke iz prve ruke.

Međutim, meni Indijci nisu merodavni za davanje komentara za automobile zbog njihovog menatlita i sistema u kojem su kao u kalupu sa kastama i „sluga - gazda” odnosima.

Ovo sto sam rekao nije da omalovazavam Indijce, nego govorim iz iskustva dugogodisnjeg rada i druzenja sa njima. Mogu biti divni ljudi za druzenje, ali kada dodje da treba napraviti neku odluku, oni to ne mogu uraditi, nego drugi mora to uraditi za njih.

Naravno, ima i među njima „skorojevica” koji su stekli imucstvo za kratak vremenski period i postali su bahati i razmazeni, a kao gazde, takvi su jednostavno ogavni i 1000x gori od nagoreg robovlasnika, ali i dalje im se vuce taj mentalitet sa sindromom nize vrednosti.

Druga stvar je da evo ja kao vlasnik MB već 6 godina, mogu reći da sam imao nekoliko problema. Ovaj zadnji sa vodom u gepeku se ne bi desio da moja lepsa polovine nije pre nekoliko godina nasukala auto na drugi auto kad je isla u nazad i polomila svu zastitu od dole a da niko nije primetio dok nije bilo kasno. Drugih većih problema nisam imao, osim amortizera koje je ostetio majstor u servisu, i zamenjen je o MB trosku, a isto su zamenjeni svih cetvoro vrata zbog neadekvatne zastite koja nije uradjena u fabrici u Alabami, o njihovom trosku naravno, i to nisam ni tražio, niti video gde ima rdje, nego na servisu su mi rekli da je napravljen „recall” za moj tip auta.

Nadji mi koji japanac proizvodjac daje dozivotnu garanciju na rdju i perforaciju? Ili, koji japanac daje dozivotnu garanciju za pomoć na putu gde god da si u svetu? Vidis, meni je to važno, jer šta god da se desi, moja lepsa polovina okrene telefon i MB servis joj dodje na noge, dotera drugi auto i ovaj odveze na servis...
2014-01-15 05:47 AM
2000 S500 with 18,000 miles. Thank god I bought the extended 3 year starmark warranty! This car is CRAP! Poorly designed and poorly built. I wished that I had read these sites before I bought this car. I have had all the same problems. One funny one I will tell you about. On or about the 3 oil leak, I got the car back from service. The engine had been leaking from below the oil fill cap. I have learned to look and test things out before leaving service. I popped the hood and saw that they had removed the oil fill cap and put 2 inches of gasket material to fix the problem. The car look like it had been repaired at a sidewalk gas station in Tijuana! No, let me take that back, a sidewalk gas station in Tijuana would have done a better job. What a joke, when I showed it to the service manager, he just rolled his eyes and offered to redo the job. Mercedes SUCK! This for sure is my last one. One last thing, when I was complaining to the service adviser about the car, is statement to me was,„When you buy a Mercedes, you are buying Luxury, NOT PERFECTION!”
2014-01-15 07:13 AM
ja sam imao A klasu, 1,4 litra benzinac.
2007-e godine sam isao sa njom 28 puta kuci, svaki drugi vikend i godisnji.
te godine sam sa njim presao 55 000 kilometara, nisam mu ni ulje mjenjao.
nakon 55000 predjenih ni milimetar ulja nije falio.
Moj brat ima toyotu korolu 1,4 sa 100 i neki konj, znachi ne može da ode kuci s njom a da ne dospe 1 ulja. Toyota ima 70000 predjenih i kad je vozis osjeca se kao nova, redovno servisirana u toyoti, vlasnik prije mog brata joj je bio penzioner cova.
u gradu zdere litar ulja na 1000 km, a na autoputu litar na 500 km predjenih.
kad se uracuna da potrosi 10 litara na 100 km i deci ulja.
(svratio samo na 5 minuta)
2014-01-15 08:14 AM
Toyota koja trosi ulje je rijetkost. Vjerovatno i Mercedes. Nedovoljno podataka da se pravi uporedba. :)
Imam dvije, sinteticko ulje mijenjam svakih 10.000 km (zgodno dodje da se ne zaboravi zamjena) i do 150.000 km nije trebalo dosipati između zamjena. Ovaj sa 165.000 km je prvi put imao na 8000 km blicu donje crte,pa sam ga „pocastio” sa oko pola litre. :)

Ono sto je interesantno je odgovor na pitanje: Kako te sluzi auto, jesi li imao problema?

Oni koji su zadovoljni izborom obično kažu „Odlično nije bilo problema”.

Na potpitanje: Nikad nije ništa na njemu uradjeno u servisu krene lista.
Bio je ovaj mali kvar, onaj, promijenjeno u garanciji besplatno. :)

Oni koji nisu zadovoljni autom kažu da je krntija i odmah krenu sa listom.

Cesto ispadne da su dvije liste iste.

Koristeci pojedinacne slučajeve može se dokazati bilo šta. Po zelji. :)

2014-01-15 05:28 PM
uopce nije rijetkost da tojote trose ulje.
interesantna stvar da tojota ne može ni ulje da trosi, auto koji ulazi u riziko seriske proizvodnje, a na AMG 65 može da rikne motor na 20 000.
to je neko lupio ko ne zna kako AMG radi i da S 65 AMG kosta ko 3 normalne S-Klase. a zna se i zašto.
2014-01-15 10:03 PM
2000 S500. For the past several months my center information display console has indicated, about 20% of the time that I drive the car, that a problem exists with the electronic stabilization system and the braking system. I have brought the car in several times for the problem and for the most part recevied „Can not duplicate the problem”. On a couple of visits they were able to duplicate the problem and thought that a new sensor would fix the issue. After this repair the problems continued. Another visit resulted in removing and resetting the stearing wheel. The problem still showed about about 35% of the time (It has been increasing in frequency). For the past two weeks the problem has been occuring everytime I drive the car however the dealer has repeatedly informed me that the warning is a malfunction that they can not seem to trace however the breaks are fine and worst case is that ABS MAY not function if the warning is on. Is this accetpable? NO! Anyway back to the events; today I am driving the car in a parking lot, about 5 miles per hour and approaching the isle that I want to turn in to and park, I go to press the break and move the peddle about 1/2 inch, probably not enough for the breaklights to come on and certainly not enough for the breaks themselves to actually engage. Before I know it the break peddle is pulled away from my foot and to or near the floor, of course my foot follows. While you would expect that a drop like this would mean NO breaks this was not the case. My car stopped on a wooden nickle, I was tossed to the stearing wheel and the car behind me hit my car. Now I was not hurt and my bumper only has a very small scratch but what the hell? Where would I be if I was on the freeway and tried to slow the vehicle? I probably would not be typing this message.
2014-01-16 02:46 AM
evo ti glava kod moje honde dominator, nakon što sam je rastavio jer je
se čula ko limena kanta puna sherafa kad je mucas.

2014-01-16 09:40 PM
I decide to change my Toyota 1999 Camry and buy well reputed car Mercedes E class. I bought brand new one (e 300 Sedan) in September 2009 with total cost of $80,000. On first week I give complaint that the left window is not sealed and make noise. They refuse to admit that there is wrong with car. At 50,000 km I get warning sign for engine on screen and it turn up that there is problem with fuel injector and they replace most of engine parts. At 90,000 km the car start to give a very loud noise sound at all speeds. The problem found to be with differential. It worn up. My Camry till now with me I never had window problem or engine problem or differentials.
(Ministar za klanje svinja)
2014-01-17 05:04 AM
Mogu ja da nađemi take rporte za Camry...

Što se tiče MB, ima dve stvari. Prva je da ako se se servisira u ovlascenim servisima, koji nisu u „banana zemljama” (ukljucujuci i USA u ovom trenutku), necete imati problema sa garanciojom i ostalim stvarima. Mercedes je imamo problem od polovine 90tih pa sve do negde 2004-5, a posle toga je krenulo na bolje kad su se otarasili Cryslera. Imam dva primera ovde za koje ja znam šta se desilo.

Prvi je 2004, CL 65 AMG, radjen po narudzbini, cena 250000 UK funti. Covek ga je dobio, međutim, desilo se nešto da je stalno palio lampicu za motor i limitovao sistem rada rotora na „limp mode”. U prva tri meseca je ispostavio problem, covek otisao kod dilera i rekao da hoće da vrati auto nazad, sto je imao po pravu kupaca u UK. Kad su videli da je vrag odneo salu, doveli su inzenjera iz AMG-a, dali su mu drugi sličan auto na koriscenje. Ispostavilo se da je majstor koji je slapao motor (Svaki AMG motor sklapa samo jedan majstor), zaboravio je uljnu kariku na dva cilindra, sad da li je namerno ili ne, nikada nećemo saznati, ali taj majstor vise nije radio u AMG odeljenju, posle tog slučaja. Mislim da je posle dobio i 3 godine besplatan servis, ruke i delovi.

Drugi slučaj, nas covek, S350, 2011 godiste, oko 60000 milja. Covek radi kao sofer u centru Londona za imucne klijenta i taj auto mu je izvor zarade. Prošle godine se nešto desi na motoru i stane auto. Ode u Mercedes da se zali, međutim, ispostavi se da on nije servisirao auto u Mercedesu, neko kod nekog „turcina”, da bi ustedeo 200 funti po servisu. U prvom servisu su mu rekli da ode nazad kod „turcina” i da se tamo zali, dok je drugi diler rekao da će da uzme auto i da uradi inspekciju. Ispostavilo se da je korisceno ulje koji neije bilo po knjizi za taj auto. Druga stvar je bila, kad privatno lice kupi auto u MB, dobije 3 godine/100000milja garanciju, ali posto je on sofer i koristi auto u komercijalne svrhe, to ne vazi jer je morao da kaže Mercedesu da kupuje auto za takvu namenu, zato jer postoji drugi tip garancije za komercijalna vozila. Ipak, rekli su mu da je servisirao auto u MB servisu, ne bi bilo problema sa garancijom. Posle mucenja oko 6 meseci (plus je bio ukljucen jedan nas covek iz BG koji je glavni covek za servis u MB u Enlgeskoj koji mu je pomogao), MB je doneo odluku da mu stavi novi motor, i samo sto je on imao da plati su bile „ruke”. Još jedna stvar koja se nije svidela MB servisu je da je imao najjeftinije moguće gume na auto koji kosta skoro 100000 funti. Ja to zovem „pilicarenje” i mentalitet srpskog taksiste...

Ajde sad, kritike...
(Ministar za klanje svinja)
2014-01-17 05:11 AM
evo za Dragana... acturers.htm

Može se naći na svakoj strani i za svaki auto negativni raporti...

Obično pišu samo oni kojima nešto smeta ili se nešto desilo, dok drugi koji su zadovoljni sa autom nigde ne pišu da kažu da je sve OK sa autom...
2014-01-17 09:46 AM
Za ove sto upoređuju Toyota-u Camry i osvrcu se na to kako trosi ulje i Mercedes Benz, kako ne trosi ulje...aman ljudi, uporedjujete auto koji je u pripada malo boljoj klasi firme ciji je najjeftiniji auto oko $14,000 ako se ne varam i auto firme ciji je najjeftiniji auto $30,000.

Da bi Nazzi-jima dao 60,000-70,000 za auto morali bi da mi uz njega isporuce neku nemicu tipa Klaudije Sifer da mi svaku put da BJ pre neko sto startujem motor, samo bi u tom slučaju pristao da budem ponosni vlasnik precenjenog svapskog auta.

2014-01-17 10:09 AM
nasao sam i ja na google, ukucam lexus problemi i izbaci mi 280 000 stranica.
Ali ja neću da postiram tudje postove ljudi koje ne znam, jer ti postovi ne moraju biti istiniti.osim toga može se dogoditi da su postovi pokusaj sabotacije brenda, pogotovo americki.

a slučaj sa tim je isto kao sa imdb za filmove, najbolje ocjene imaju crtani filmovi, zato što djeca najviše sharaju internetom.
ja ispočetka nisam mogao da razumijem pisanja ovdje nastanjenih jugoamerikanaca o njemackim autima, jer jedno oni ovdje pišu, a ja za drugo znam, posto mi cijela okolina vozi njemacka i iskljucivo njemacka auta. da japanska auta drže duže, da se manje kvare to mije bilo jasno i to znam, ali odnos nije toliki da kao što se piše. odnos je možda 8 japanski i 12 njemackih od 100. To za mene nije razlika zbog koje bih ja vozio nešto sto mi se ne svidja.

npr. igrao sam često video igre na multiplejer i na kojem sam serveru i kažem da igram iz austrije, ameri i englezi me odmah nazovu nazzistom, a ja nit luk miriso nit luk jeo. mislim se nešto, ko je pobio 40 miliona indijaca i poshlepoao desetke miliona crnaca kao robove i na kraju unistio americke indijance, te syebo abridziance.
ko je tu nazzi brate?
2014-01-17 10:38 AM
Ring, odgovor na tvoje pitanje ko je pobio indijance je jasan: Englezi i Francuzi! :-)
2014-01-17 01:37 PM
Nije ovo sasmo pitanje nemackog auta protiv japanskog.

U USA, Porsche je uvek prvi na listi sa najmanjim brojem problema po vozila (u prvih 90 dana) Lexus je uvek drugi ili treci. Ali, to su male razlike - Porsche kao prvi ima 80 problema na 100 vozila, Lexus 94, Mercedes 106 a BMW je ispod proseka sa 114 (prosek je 113).

Kad gledaju pouzdanost na duže staze - Lexus je prvi. 71 problem na 100 vozila, Mercedes 115 na 100, a prosek je 126 problema na 100 vozila. BMW ima 133.

Ja mislim da vi iz Evrope treba da shvatite da je ovo drugi svet, drugi market, drugi mentalitet. Da se ta luksuzna kola ovde uglavnom lizuju i voze 2-3 godine i menjaju za nova. Da auta nisu ista ovde i u evropi, da imaju drugacije opcije za motore (recimo, E klasa se uglavnom prodaje kao E350 sa benzinskim motorom, sto u Evropi sigurno nije slučaj, S klasa je S500 sa velikim benzinskim V8 motorom sto u evropi opet nije slučaj itd itd).

Ovde japanci imaju reputaciju najpouzdanijih kola i to je to. Pljuvanje po Lexusu to neće promeniti, niti će pljuvanje po Mercedesu promeniti njihovu reputaciju u evropi.

Što se tiče broja prodanih automobila u USA samo, Lexus i Acura nisu ni postojali pre 3 decenije, a sad prodaju u kolicinima sličnim Mercedesu (Acura dosta manje, ali opet, 150000 kola godisnje danas a do skoro nisu ni postojali). Zašto? Jer su ponudili proizvod koji izgleda dobro, koji je napravljem kvalitetno, koji se ne kvari često i nema reputaciju da se kvari često, koji je jeftinji od svaba, koji ima podjednako dobre motore sa istom snagom i slične performanse u svemu.

Recimo, novi Lexus IS350 pobedi na testu Car and Driver magazina i C klasu i 3 seriju. Ovde ne postoji mentalitet da je mecka jedini pravi auto na svetu. Kia i Hjundai su sad na listama najpozudanijih vozila jer napreduju k'o ludi, sto su nekad uradili Lexus i Acura, dok mercedes i BMW jasu na staroj slavi. SVI kriticari redom pljuju na novu 5 series, kažu da ni trojka nije vise sto je nekad bila...

Vas nekoliko zatucanih na obe strane ove price ste toliko zatucani da je bezveze i citati šta napisete jer niste objektivni ni malo, k'o da živite od deonica mercedesa ili Leksusa.
2014-01-17 01:59 PM
(Acura dosta manje, ali opet, 150000 kola godisnje danas a do skoro nisu ni postojali). Zašto? Jer su ponudili proizvod koji izgleda dobro, koji je napravljem kvalitetno, koji se ne kvari često i nema reputaciju da se kvari često, koji je jeftinji od svaba, koji ima podjednako dobre motore sa istom snagom i slične performanse u svemu.

jedino sa čim s enebih slozio je da proizvod izgleda dobro (ne samo po meni nego i po mnogim ljudima u SA) je in proizvodi izgleda sve gore i gore. Nekad aje izgledao dobro. Originalni TSX, pa TL is is 2003 recimo. Fantastican izgled (vozio TL, ništa posebno ali izgleda dobro). A vidi danasnji TSX a pogotovo TL. Ko može d avoli onu njusku?
(The Best or nothing...)
2014-01-17 02:33 PM
Japanci jeste da se redje kvare,ali nije tolika razlika kao sto neki pokusavaju da predstave,,tako da ću ja uvek pre voziti Mecku nego lexus,jer mi vise odgovara i estetski,i po uzivanju u voznji..ko voli japance neka vozi,ali ne mora da truje nas sto volimo nemacka vozila da je samo japansko dobro...
2014-01-17 02:45 PM
upravo tako.
2014-01-17 04:58 PM

Bravo, slazem se 100%.

2014-01-17 06:39 PM
bmw 335i shije lexus is350f sport u svemu.
potrosnji, ubrzanju, kranjnjoj brzini i bolje koci, manje se cuje.
car i driver stranica.

za jedan bod je lexus ispao bolji i to što je dobio ocjenu za „fun to drive” za 3 boda veću.
da je lexusov 3500 kubika bolji za fun to drive od bmwovog 3000 biturba koji ima obrtni moment od 400 nm već 1500 obrtaja i bmw zvuk, malo morgen.
fun to drive je subjektivana kategorija.
2014-01-17 08:48 PM
Since I purchased my 2007 E350 sedan, I have spent over $12,000 in maintenance and repairs. Specifically, to name a few of the repairs beyond the usual maintenance, in December 2011, transmission repairs in the amount of $2,219. In December of 2012, my car completely died at midnight at an airport 30 miles from my home. That repair was $3,539 for transmission issues. Mileage: 62,000. In January of 2013, the same problem occurred with car dying. This time they did not charge me since it had been repaired a week earlier. In August of 2013, another $2,354 for transmission issues, including mounts (same thing from Dec 2011). My car has relatively low mileage for a car purchased over 6 1/2 years ago. I have always taken my car to the Mercedes Benz dealer for maintenance as required and have kept up with it. All service records are at Mercedes. I find that these are exorbitant amounts to pay for a luxury car, with low mileage. I expected far more out of Mercedes. I will NEVER buy a Mercedes again.
2014-01-17 09:03 PM
I am the original owner of a 2008 GS350. I bought a Lexus because they had a reputation for high reliability. My car certainly has not lived up to that reputation. I have had tons of little problems but with only 62,000 miles on my car the engine blew up while on the freeway and 12 miles from any service. I had a headlight that wasn't working and it cost me $2200 to repair it because my ballast was faulty and they require you to replace the whole light assembly (lenses, plastic parts, etc.). What an insane expense and an environmental disaster. Lexus Customer Satisfaction (lack of satisfaction?) basically did nothing to compensate me or fix the problem. I will NEVER buy another Lexus. I highly recommend that you also stay away from any Lexus. They are certainly not the company they used to be.
(The Best or nothing...)
2014-01-17 10:24 PM
ova dva zadnja texta skoro ista samo ovaj prvi neće da kupi Benz vise,a ovaj drugi neće lexus jer nisu zadovoljni..
ko zna ko sve piše takve textove..i ko sve vozi(nije za svakog auto)//
i ako je neko maler..
bas me zanima šta bi npr Dragan rekao da kupi Mecku i da ga sluzi bez većih problema godinama??kao sto nas neke sluzi,,da li bi i dalje tvrdio da su losi samo zato jer voli japance,,,verovatno bi...
2014-01-18 12:18 AM
Jedan moj drugar davno '90-tih kupio 123-ku mecku sa oko 250 000 milja na satu i tamo neko '80-to godiste. Crkla mu 'stop svetla' a on nije primetio međutim pandur iza njega po nesreci jeste i odrapi mu kaznu. Posle mu explodira akumulator (po njegovim racima čulo se kao da je bomba pukla) u podzemnoj garazi pa je morao na novi da potrosi skoro $200 (ukljucujuci slepovanje). Od tad pa nadalje i ubuduce neće da cuje za Mercedes. Kaže najvece sranje od auta ikad. Vozi stari Kamri kojem takođe crkavaju svetla, baterije, kocnice i sve ostalo sto na starim autima odlazi ali kune se u tojotu a Mercedes ne voli ni da vidi :) Možda su neke traume zbog te „bombe”, ko će ga znati...
2014-01-18 01:15 AM
Nije bas isto kad kupis Mercedesa i on se pokvari i kad kupis neki auto za Average Joe i on se pokvari.
(I\'m too sexy for my car)
2014-01-18 03:16 AM
Zato kupite Subaru, pa da vas Bog vidi...
2014-01-18 03:50 AM
kažu, ako nisi bolji od nekoga, ti njega onda kleveci da on ispadne losiji.
2014-01-18 07:51 AM
First of all, I wish I had known about this site when my incident first took place. I just want to share my experience with everyone so that people can be aware when purchasing a Mercedes Benz. I plan on speaking out on every single forum out there, and if it can help even one person, then I will be satisfied. I live in Los Angeles and purchased a brand new E350 in 2007. Just a few month after the purchase (around 10,000 miles on the odometer? ), I was driving down the freeway when the car came to a sudden stall. The engine completely died, and I could not get it started back up. I was in the second lane from the inside, and the freeway was full of drivers speeding at 70-80 mph. Unable to get out of my car, I watched vehicles behind me careening to a sudden stop or jerking to rapidly change lanes. It was truly a frightening experience.

I called 911 to report the incident then AAA to get a tow truck. The CHP arrived within about 15 minutes to help divert traffic away from my car as I was at a dead stop in the middle of a 5-lane freeway. The officers alerted me that it is too dangerous to stand still in the middle of the freeway and that they needed to immediately move my car off the freeway. Since they didn't have towing capability, the only way for them to do that was for them to push the car from the back with their squad car while I steered towards the nearest exit. Without getting too dramatic, I will say that this was probably the most frightening experience of my life. Luckily, no one was injured, and the car just suffered a lot of scratches on the rear bumper as a result of it being pushed by the police car.

I wrote to MBUSA and explained the entire experience plus access to the police records. They offered absolutely no sympathy. They didn't even offer a nice gesture by offering to fix the scratches which would have cost approximately a few hundred dollars - pocket change to them. They didn't see any seriousness to the incident. I could have been seriously injured, and I could have caused serious injury to other motorists on the freeway that day. The message that they were sending to me was clear: I am an isolated incident to them, so I do not matter at all. They're a big, powerful company with millions of other buyers, so of course they don't care. How nice. I'm the family's third generation of MB driver, and I will most certainly be the last.
2014-01-18 10:20 AM

„Nije bas isto kad kupis Mercedesa i on se pokvari i kad kupis neki auto za Average Joe i on se pokvari.”

E bas tako sinister, neko da postavi konacno stvari na svoje mesto. Nije isto ako te ostavi na putu auto od $18,000 (Civic, Corolla) I auto od $40,000 I vise hiljada (neki MB). Zato I kažem, jedino bi ona gore pomenuta nemica tipa Klaudije Sifer koja bi dosla sao „standardna oprema” uz Mercedes u tom slučaju izvadila stvari I cena MB-a bi bila opravdana. :-):-)
2014-01-18 10:45 AM
cijena je opravdana ljudima koji trebaju danas preci 300 kilometara sa autom i koji tamo gdje dodju treba da izgledaju njegovano i odmorno.
ljudima tipa, menadzeri, direktori, bankari, takvi neće uzeti civic da odu tamo, jer kad izadje iz civica, bole ga ledja, oznojeni i pocadili, kratkom rijecju syebani i nakon puta od 300 km im treba spavanje, a ne posao i pregovori o milionima evra.
2014-01-18 11:00 AM
komentar sa testa BMW 335i protiv Lexus is350f

I think this article somewhat contradicts itself, you see, it states that the BMW does not feel like before, and that the other competitors are better now, but the numbers ... are like a slap in the face, it does everything quicker and with less power, isn't that something to consider?.

Another thing ... in the final results, in the Chasis section, they give the Lexus a better performance rate based on what?, you see, it's clear that the BMW's chassis is doing a better job there, come on, the car has less power, practically the same weight, still manages to beat Lexus and Cadi for a Second or more in every time test (except 0-30) and you state that the Lexus has better chassis performance? come on..

Finally to defend all that arguments for placing the Lexus in the first place is really hard when you see that the score is so tight maybe it should be more fair to call it a tie and not give full credit to a car that has its spot by only one point? I mean don't get me wrong, I respect your work guys, but let's be a little more realistic here. Considering all the things that you need to test before giving a final result and the first place is only there by a single point? ... it's like there is no real single winner. Your arguments must be reflected in the tests, that's the whole point of this review ... What is real here is that the Cadillac is no match for these two since it's far behind in the scores. This is just my humble opinion, and no, I'm not a BMW fan boy I am just a realistic person. I do love Lexus and Bmw not a big fan of caddys

Thak you for your hard work
2014-01-18 01:45 PM
I have a C350 2009 that has a transmission double shifting problem from 11K miles. When car is cold, once you pass from park to drive with the brakes applied, you get two hits to get in driving mode. The first one is the common sensation of getting in drive; the second one is like somebody is hitting your rear bumper. After two years driving the car to Mercedes Benz of Pembroke Pines where they tried all possible solutions directed by MB USA, which include repairing transmission, changing computer programs, replacing a transmission, placing a new parts from Germany and more that can be seen in my car maintenance history, all of this represents two years of stress and loss of my time.

Today, I was surprised that MB USA got the conclusion based on one of their specialists that the issue in my car is common for all other cars same model parked at the dealer. Is this not amazing? All the money and time spent to fix my complaint got the great and funny conclusion that this is part of the car design? It is offensive. It is frustrating that we, the customers, look for a good and guaranteed car that make our driving and lives easy without problems and results that now I cannot believe in Mercedes Benz as my dream car because MB is designing and building cars that have issues hidden, not described in their owner manual or at least notified to customers.

What is happening with one of the best car brands in the world? For sure I'll not purchase any other Mercedes Benz in my life and will not recommend anybody believing on brands. All are the same! If somebody has a suggestion on how I may elevate my frustration and solve this situation is more than welcome to contact me.
2014-01-18 01:56 PM
Kada kupis MB void racuna da ti telefon radi da bi mogao da otkazes taj milionski posao kada te auto ostavi na putu.Mercedes danas lici na Ferari.Jedan tip postirao na internet sve racune za opravku.Kupio F-355 sa 25.000 milja za $50.000 I mislio je da ima dobar dil.Na opravke je spucao $47.000 a Ferarri servis mu je dao $8.000 popusta ?! Hahahahahahahaha !!!
I opet nisi siguran da imaš pouzdano auto. „Sa Ferrari-em I Mercedes-om kupujes luksuz,ne savrsenstvo” :)
2014-01-18 02:19 PM
Nemacke premijum aute „kupuju” ljudi kojima je stalo da uzivaju u voznji i nije im problem platiti ekstra za tako nešto. Uzimaju se uglavnom na lease, voze dok ne istekne garancija i onda vracaju i uzimaju nove.
Sa druge strane, Lexuse i slične voze Jevreji i slični kojima je samo cilj da sto jeftinije prodju na X broj godina. Lexus se manje kvari od Nemackih auta, mnogo bolje zadržava preprodajnu vrednost, ali nije ni njihov kvalitet ono šta je bio - posebno po pitanju enterijera gde sam primetio da se bas dosta ljudi zali kako plastika puca.

2014-01-18 04:46 PM
druže, lexus is 350 kosta 49000 a bmw 335i kosta 51000
lexus ima motor sto je bmw ugradjivao devedesetih, bmw ima motor sadasnjosti.
bmw je 25 godina u razvoju ispred lexusa.
2014-01-18 04:54 PM
drugar mi vozi hondu cbr 1000rr fireblade, 12000 kilometara ima
otisli smo u belu crkvu na motoskup, pozderala mu je litru ulja. kontrola ulja je uslijedila slučajno, inače bi mu motor zaribao na povratku.
odvezen je u hondu, dobio je četiri nova klipa i klipnjace plus milion nekih sitnica je zamjenjeno.
meni na cbr 600f smo na servisu ustanovili da je bregasta pojela lezajeve. poslije čitam da su ugradivali dihtung glave sa manjom rupom za protok ulja negoli je bila rupa na bloku i na glavi i da je zbog toga dolazilo do premalog obskrbljivanja ulja u predjelu glave i da klizeci lezajvevi u kojima lezi bregasta nisu dovljno podmazivani.
25000 predjenih.
2014-01-18 05:17 PM
Da, to su cene novih, i?
335i će uzeti neko na lease ko će ga voziti 3 godina i onda vratiti nazad dileru, posle čega će cena od tih $50,000 pasti na $25,000.
A IS će kupiti neko ko će ga voziti narednih 15 godina, a čak i da ga vozi 3 godine - prodace ga za daleko vise novca.

Pricam o Americkom trzistu.
(The Best or nothing...)
2014-01-19 12:30 AM
to je jedan od najvecih razloga zašto se japanci manje zato jer Nemci prave manje kvalitene delove,nego zato što Mercedes uvek postavlja „domaće zadatke”i uvek prvi ugradjuje najsavremeniju tehnologiju i sisteme u svoja vozila,koje zutaci posle gledaju da kopiraju.i normalno je da sve nove savremene tehnologije u početku imaju„decje bolesti”koje se otklanjaju „u hodu”.a japanci se drže starijih,proverenih sistema i normalno da imaju manje problema...
Dragane uzmi malo provozaj neki TLC S 550 ovde po NYC pa ćeš da vidis razlike..derasticne
(The Best or nothing...)
2014-01-19 06:33 AM
inače od Fiata poslednji model koji sam voleo je bio legendarna 132..secam ga se najviše u teget plavoj boji,,kao deca smo se vozili sa njim,posle kad sam malo odrastao i tražio da ih kupim ostali su većinom krsevi..posle je izasla Croma,ali 132 ostaje najjač je bio fiatov „mercedes>”
2014-01-19 02:57 PM
My name is Ahmed ** and I am from Saudi Arabia. I am writing to your esteemed company because I believe you care about your customers and their relationship with you. I experienced some issues with my new SLK 250 2012 (WDDPK4HAXCF042129). I had recently gotten home from work and then about 1 hour later, I tried to leave my house with the SLK. When I left in the middle of the road, it started to shack. At first, I thought it was the tire. It never occurred to me anything else since it is only been 8 days since I purchased it. After that I slowed down and parked a side then the engine went off. I turned off the electrical system and then started the car again. This time, the engine tried turning over, but did not „catch” and the car died again.

The third time I went to start the car, the engine came on and made a very strange „gurgling” sound like it wasn't getting enough throttle/gas. So I gave the car a bit of „gas” by slowly pushing down on the accelerator pedal and the engine caught, but then quickly died. All this time, the instrument cluster was „fluttering”. The RPM needle was bouncing between 0 & 1k rpms very quickly (5-6 times per second). No warnings on the instrument cluster either. I gave up and called a truck to bring the car to the local dealer service center.

I know that Mercedes-Benz is very concerned about its reputation but I was shocked by the way I have been treated by our local dealer here in Saudi Arabia (Juffali). For someone who just purchased a car, I was expecting more consideration. Moreover, they did not provide a substitute car for me which has a very strong impact on me being using public transportation instead of using my brand new car.
(Ministar za klanje svinja)
2014-01-19 09:06 PM
Taj tvoj Ahmed u SA bolje da je kupio kamilu, bolje bi mu stajala :)
2014-01-20 12:05 PM
I have a 2010 Mercedes-Benz C300. It was leased on 5-18-10. Transmission replaced on 9-14-10. Problems started on or about 6-1-11. I have been into the dealership to have it repaired and still not corrected (currently at dealership). Attempts to repair were on 6-1-11, 11-16-11, 12-7-11, 1-10-12, 2-13-12 and 3-12-12 (currently there). Lemon law letter was sent on 2-21-12. No response to that at all. I’m very angry and just want out of this lease once and for all.
2014-01-20 12:10 PM
The front seat warmer burned my wife, and made a big hole in the driver's side seat, which cost us approximately $1,500 to fix. The make and model of the vehicle is a 2007 Mercedes ML 350.
„Heated seats” daju potpuno novu dimenziju kod Mercedesa. Niko nema sto Mercedes ima ,grejace za sedista koji tako dobri da izgore I samo sediste .Mala je briga za sediste.Haljina I opekotine su steta neprocenjiva .:)
2014-01-20 02:10 PM
Dragane nije da volim Mercedes, probavao sam jedan kada sam kupovao zadnje auto i nije mi nešto legao (u voznji). Nisam probavao IS250, sjdeao sam u njega i nije mi ni on legao (dobro izgleda unutra, ali nepregledan sa strane i pozadi, ne obaraju se zadnja sjedista isl).
Cvrsto mislim da se Lexux, Acura itd manje kvare od Mercedasa, ALI „you do not get the point, do you???????????”
Mislim ovo nalazenje „zalbi” za Mercedesa nema smisla sa zivotom. Ja se kladim da se isto može naći za bilo koji proizvod na svijetu. Ono sto govori o kvalitetu je koliko procentualno ljudi nije zadovoljno, koliko je zadovoljno itd. A i to nije sve, neko voli da vozi neko auto jer mu jednostavno legne. Sa finansijske tacke gledanja, ni jedno auto nije dobro, konj je vjerovatno dosta bolji a bicikl je vjerovatno najbolji

2014-01-20 02:14 PM
Može Dragan koliko hoće da postavlja takve „ispovesti” - BMW, Audi I Mercedes su I dalje daleko bolje prodavani od Lexusa I uvek će biti. Jer nije svaki bogatas skrt jevrej pa da mu je samo bitno koliko manjen će potrositi na kvarove.
2014-01-20 02:20 PM
Onaj Mercedes iz 80-tih 220 D ili tako nekako nisi nikako mogao poderati.Takođe 190 benzinac I dizel.
Čak I ovaj sadasnji E Blutech .Tri ta auta su vozili non stop na kruznoj stazi u Alabami 100.000 milja.Tim od nekoliko vozaca.Samo bi stali da napune gorivo I brzu zamenu ulja.Posle 100.000 milja su bili kao novi.
Ali, ovo što se može naći na internet -u I stvarne price koje ja lično čujem o SLK ,S a pogotovo o C klasi su sramota za MB.
2014-01-20 02:23 PM
A tek M klasa koja se sklapa u Alabami.Kao da su je pravili u Albaniji.
2014-01-20 02:25 PM
Bezier je umesto Lexus IS trebao da kupi C 300 da ga vidi Bog...I mehanicar .:)
(The Best or nothing...)
2014-01-20 05:51 PM
Sve sto covek napravi se kvari,,,ništa nije nepoderivo ,,i te stare mecke su možda najbolji automobili ikad napravljeni ali se i to kvari,,
i ne moze se porediti sa danasnjim modelima jer su bili 100 puta prostiji i samim tim 100 puta manja sansa da nešto otkaze..
a M klasa je izmišljena samo zbog USA trzista(isto kao Volvo XC 90,BMW x5,,) i zato se pravi u Alabami i tačno je da su raniji modeli imali problema...nova M clasa je mnogo bolje uradjena..
ja sam se prvi put razocarao kad sam vozio novu C klasu od devojke 2002 godine i video na vratima piše mercedes MADE IN BRAZIL...
jbg globalizacija..
2014-01-21 02:29 AM
dragane kad budes tero taj shporet na baterije na servis
nek i tebi dotegnu koji sheraf, izgleda se nešto olabavilo.
povedi sa sobom i tetu beziera.
2014-01-22 09:31 AM

„cijena je opravdana ljudima koji trebaju danas preci 300 kilometara sa autom i koji tamo gdje dodju treba da izgledaju njegovano i odmorno.
ljudima tipa, menadzeri, direktori, bankari, takvi neće uzeti civic da odu tamo, jer kad izadje iz civica, bole ga ledja, oznojeni i pocadili, kratkom rijecju syebani i nakon puta od 300 km im treba spavanje, a ne posao i pregovori o milionima evra.

Ha ha ha, moram da se nasmejem na ovo pisanje. Pa I vrapcki na grani znaju da Mercedes, BMW ljudi kupuju ne zbog udobnosit koliko da pokazu da im je „qurac” iz nekog razloga naglo porastao: novi posao, veci polozaj, dobijeno nasledje, premija na lutriji I tako to. Kakva udobnost. Da ti je stalo do udobnosti, mogao bi da kupis neki Kadilak ili Lincoln Town car ili tako testo... Ovi automobili su symbol ljudskog egocentrizma i narcisoidnosti i zbog toga im je cena takva kakva jeste, ni zbog čega drugog.
2014-01-22 12:41 PM
I bought a brand new 2011 S550 on 10/01/2011. Since the first day, I have been feeling significant vibration in a steering wheel and set with the speed of about 65-75 miles/hour. The two dealers Rally Motors and Helms Brothers on nine occasions were trying to fix vibration problems by changing tires one after another without success. Finally, Mercedes Benz of America decided to change all four tires to another brand Michelin ultra sport tires, unfortunately ,again without success.

The steering wheel and the floor of the car continues to vibrate and my hands get numb with driving at 60 -70 ml/h. Mercedes Benz of America (case manager Robert), told me that vibration phenomenon is normal for $115000.00 car with 19„ wheels coming from the Mercedes Benz factory. This is insane! Also, Mercedes Benz of America told me that nothing they are going to do and I have to drive the way it is. The case manager has refused to escalate call to his supervisor. Rudely hanging up on me. I cannot believe that one reputable company behaves with their customers this wild way.
Šta se ovaj karakter zali.Potpuno nova MB perjanica stvara snažne vibracije u voznji jer je auto jako seksi. :)”
2014-01-22 03:47 PM
u evropi nema americkih limuzina, osim toga
ne vjerujem da americke limuzine mogu u udobnosti da pariraju S klasi.
2014-01-22 03:59 PM
mercedes i bmw nisu uopce simbol egocentrizma.

prvo, jedan proizvodjac ne bira sebi kupce, kupci biraju sebi proizvod.
drugo, procitaj si gore komentar na car and driver test, u kojem upoređuju lexus sa bmw, gdje ti tip kaže da BMW može sve bolje i sa manje utrosene energije, znachi da je eficijentniji motor i auto u kompletu. a bolja ocjena je data lexusu, sto je, ni po kojoj osnovi.
sto će reci, favorizira se japanski proizvod, e sad, zbog čega je to i zašto. ne znam.
niti me zanima.

2014-01-22 09:03 PM
This is a serious safety issue. Our car suddenly stalls [three times] while driving. The reason was a failing [failed] crank sensor. Mercedes never informed owners of this serious safety issue. Our vehicle was past their factory warranty, therefore we had to pay $504 due to the this problem. Mercedes Headquarters in New Jersey refused all or any compensation. Safety issues do not end because the factory warranty expired. Maybe they should experience the stress and helpless feeling of driving 65 miles an hour and have the engine shut off!
(The Best or nothing...)
2014-01-23 12:37 AM
ovaj Dragan vadi samo neke extremne postove ko zna odakle,,neki Ahmedi i ko zna kakve budale pisale,,,
ako ti u ovo sve verujes,onda Mecka ispade najgori auto na svetu...gori od Juga na tim listama..
a realno mogu ovakvi komentari da se nadju za svaki mogući auto pa i te tvoje japance..
2014-01-23 02:34 PM
The best or nothing isn’t that your motto? That is precisely the reason why I bought a Mercedes.

A couple of months later I was looking forward to taking the car on our annual Penn State football trip. Everything went well on the way up but on the way home while I was traveling at 60 mph, I heard a loud bang. At first I was all over the road and there was a moment when I didn't think I was going to regain control of the car but I did, and pulled off to the side of the road. Not a good ending to the family trip. Thinking it was a flat, I was preparing to change a tire and then noticed that the tire was fine. Four and a half hours from home in the middle of nowhere and I had no idea was had just happened. After an hour or so, the car was towed to a Lexus dealer in Louistown, PA.

Since the owner of the Lexus also owned an MB dealership, I assumed they would be able to fix it. I finally got a rental car and was home about 7:30pm on Sunday night. The people at the dealership called me at 8:15 in the morning and were very nice and sympathetic. They indicated that a spring broke and that it broke the axle boot. How is it that a spring breaks on a car with 42k miles?

Unfortunately, they were unable to fix the car but set me up with a contact person at Mercedes Benz of State College and even called there to let them know my car was coming. It took about a day to get the car to MB of State College and that is when my experience changed for the worst.

I found out that my third party warranty doesn't cover springs but covers everything else that was broken, but because it was a cause and effect they will not cover anything. By the way I was still two days without my car and more than 300 miles away from my car. I have owned a lot of cars and not one of them ever had a spring break. I was curious to know if this was perhaps a recall or something so I called MB of North America. On Tuesday at 4pm, I spoke with a great guy who took my info down and said I should hear back from someone in 24 hrs. The next morning, I called MB dealership of State College at around 10am and spoke with Brian who told me that „MB of North America was paying for everything and they will pay to replace the other spring as well because that is the right thing to do. I was very happy and proud once again that I purchased the car. I thought; wow a company that stands by its product.

On Friday, I called Brian to make sure that the car was going to be ready. He asked me if I have spoken with a Lindsay ** (Case Manager) from MB of North America. I had not, and asked why. Two hours before I was leaving for a 4-hour drive to pick up my car that I thought was repaired and the expenses were paid for, he indicated that Lindsay was confused and that they should not have said that they were going to pay for it. At the end of the day, the individuals at MB dealership of State College took it upon themselves to determine that if the car was certified before I purchased it they would get MB of North America to pay for the repairs. I was under the impression that my complaint got MB of North America to pick up the tab but I was wrong. Lindsay realized their mistake and what was going on and quickly offered me a credit of $400 to any MB dealer and that it will not expire. She sent me an email which said to contact her 1 week before to make an appointment. That was nice but I'm still out $1,000 for the car repairs as well as a couple of hundred for rental cars. All of this due to a spring breaking on a Mercedes Benz with only 42,000 miles.
”The best or nothing ! „ Hahahahahahahaha !!!”
2014-01-23 04:55 PM
el ako ne valja AMG, valjal im brabus
(The Best or nothing...)
2014-01-24 12:27 AM
Brabus jede lexuse,acure i ostale zutace za dorucak...
2014-01-24 09:27 AM
„Brabus jede lexuse,acure i ostale zutace za dorucak...”

Ajde...? Nemo' da me zayebavas?... Stvarno?... Ne mogu da verujem?... :-):-) a I da se ne nasmejem grohotom...:-):-) Auto od gotovo $300,000 jede one cija je maksimalna cena (Acura) sa svom opremom $60,000 (I to sa ugradjenim raznoraznim budalastinama, base-price je oko $50,000). Pa ja bih stavio prst na celo da je obratno.

Još jedan dokaz da su Mercedesi za ljude koji bi da pokazu da im qurac odjednom hipertrofirao.
2014-01-24 04:41 PM
I own an ML 500 2008 model. At no more than 10000 km, the front suspension collapsed. 30000 km later, the same problem occurred. Mercedes Benz refused to repair and I had to pay over R30000 for replacing it. At 150000 km the hydraulic pump collapsed. I had to pay R9000 for a replacement. One month later, it collapsed again!! They replaced it on guarantee. One month after, same problem with the pump happened again. They replaced it and said that if it happens again, it is my problem and they will not look at it again!!

Now the car has 170000 km and it does not change gears. I have to stop the car in the middle of the road to switch the engine off to reset the computer and start it again. It happened a couple of times during the day. The central locking is not working either. The suspension is making a terrible noise when I go over bumps. This is the ** car I ever had!! My wife drives a BMW, no problems at all.

I wrote to Mercedes customer care services a few months ago about the problems and I'm still waiting for an answer. The car is always serviced at Bedfordview dealer. What a ** dealership? It's always my mistake for the failures!! Soon i will take the car outside of BMW head office and set it on fire after I invite all the car magazines and the management of Mercedes to see what I do to rubbish cars like this. I will then walk in to BMW AND GET AN X5.
2014-01-24 06:40 PM
valjal šta audi

ako ne valja benz.
2014-01-25 02:22 PM
On July 3,2011,while driving in the mountains in Sonoma County,California,the driver's seat warmer of my 2006 Mercedes Benz ML350 malfunctioned. It resulted in burning a hole through the driver's seat and subsequently into my silk shirt. Only through the grace of God did we not get into an accident ,possibly killing all four passengers. I attempted to immediately pull over on the 2 lane highway to douse the smoldering seat and shirt.
2014-01-25 02:59 PM
I took the car to the dealership to have the tail lights fixed due to bugs and water getting into the tail lights. They called Mercedes Warranty and said they refused to warrant the item and said this is normal for bugs and water to get in to both the tail light and head light hosting.
(The Best or nothing...)
2014-01-25 08:45 PM
ybte Dragane jel ima neki deo da valja na Mecki??
po ovom tvom„objektivnom” mišljenju nisam nijedan deo do sada video da valja,,,ne znam kakva je „greška” u pitanju na ovim mojim mercedesima sto sam imao i još imam pa još rade i imaju 200+k milja a nijedan od ovih problema..čak su i tail lights i farovi original fabricki,,,
(The Best or nothing...)
2014-01-25 08:52 PM
2004 Lexus RX 330 AWD 3.3 liter gasoline from North America
Model year 2004
Year of manufacture 2003
First year of ownership 2004
Most recent year of ownership 2005
Engine and transmission 3.3 liter gasoline Automatic
Performance marks 6 / 10
Reliability marks 7 / 10
Comfort marks 7 / 10
Dealer Service marks 4 / 10
Running Costs (higher is cheaper) 3 / 10
Overall marks (average of all marks)
5.4 / 10
Distance when acquired 6 miles
Most recent distance 17500 miles
Previous car Lexus Audi A6


Overpriced and over-rated

General Comments:

Like most, I drove off the Lexus lot quite excited to finally have one of these fabled vehicles. However, signs of trouble surfaced quickly and have not stopped:

The vehicle was delivered with an improperly installed front strut which caused it to pull very badly to the right--I noticed it on my way home from delivery.

It has been recalled four times in less than two years.

I, too, notice the transmission problems others have noted. I never felt it was a safety issue, but I'm not a spirited driver. However, it is annoying.

The engine makes a tapping noise at idle that sounds like a valve tap--the dealer tells me it's the injectors.

The driver's window buzzes when the radio plays a song with good bass.

The standard radio has very poor sound quality.

So, so many dash squeaks and creaks.

The cargo cover rarely stays pulled to the tailgate door--usually rolling up on its own on the first or second stop after I pull it over cargo--or just falling down onto the cargo like a blanket.

Dealer treatment has been less than promised or expected. For my most recent appointment, I called, someone picked up and just hung up the phone. I called again and had the same experience. I called the main number the third time to explain what had just happened, only to be told, „Oh, yes, they're pretty busy now and probably can't take calls.” I sat on hold for over eight minutes waiting for someone to take the call--only to have to wait a month before getting an appointment. Then, I received a call that my car would take two days rather than one for its 15,000 mile service stop.

This is not what I expected. There were no apologies about the price of this vehicle in the showroom and plenty of assurances of how great it and my experience with it and with Lexus would be. Not so. If you are drooling over a Lexus as I did, beware that all is not what it appears--at least not all of the time.

As an interesting side note, I received plenty of surveys in the first few months of owning the vehicle. As I began scoring the car and my experience low, the surveys stopped coming. Is this a coincidence or is this how Lexus keeps its customer service ratings high--by weeding out low-scoring customers? I'm not a suspicious type, but I must admit to wondering about this.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No

Review Date: 8th December, 2005
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10th Dec 2005, 05:55

Well, I got an old Pontiac... but it runs like a champ!! I'd definetley complain if I were you.
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27th Mar 2006, 14:02

AMEN!! Cars are not perfect, but yet people think they are! Lexus is as close as it comes. Hunny, the Highlander and the RX are the same car. So you got an RX, with out some of the options, and a boxy frame.

The transmissions problems actually are problems at all> The RX has a computer that learns how you drive. When buying a used RX, the computer has already been programed with someone elses driving, that is why you get the power surges. I purchased a new 2006 RX330 and I love it. The only problem I have is people won't stop talking about it. All cars have problems, especially Mercedes. My partner works for Mercedes, and he told me that he wouldn't have one. He has a 2005 Jaguar, and that car has been in the shop for more petty issues. I love my Lexus, a nd now am an Lexus Advocate!!
2014-01-26 02:13 AM
Drzi vodu dok majstori odu ! :)
In 2009, my husband was working in Louisville, KY. We went to Tafal Mercedes Dealer and purchased an R-Class crossover with a Mercedes warranty. Within days, I drove to Cibolo, TX to help my daughter move. On the way, the malfunction light came on. Not being sure of what that meant, I took out the manual and tried to find out. There was information about load sensors but my car did not have them. I thought it was just some weird thing. I mentioned it to my husband. He was going to see the sales representative Mr. Todd **** that day so he discussed it with him. Mr. **** had been a Service Manager for many years before becoming a Sales Representative. He said that I should take the car to a dealer to have it checked out.

The next day, I took the vehicle to a Mercedes Dealership not too far from Cibolo. After about 45 minutes, the customer service representative said that my car was ready. I asked what was wrong with the car. He said, „the light is out now.” No matter what I asked he said the same thing. Since I did not speak Spanish, I thought maybe there was a communication problem. Over the next year, we took the car in on numerous occasions. Every time I would explain to the service representative that the car was shifting hard at times and the malfunction light continued to come on and then would go off.

On one of our visits to the dealer, the representative called to ask permission to change the transmission fluid. He said it was dirty and had shavings in it. My husband asks if that would fix the problems we were having with shifting, jerking and the malfunction light coming on. I told my husband that did not sound too good having shavings in anything especially the transmission. The representative assured us that everything would be okay and there is no need to worry about it. Because we travel a lot with my husband’s job, we bought a Mercedes believing we would have many years of good service.

On August 31, 2010, we were in Atlanta, GA. It was late afternoon and traffic was terrible. A lot of stop and go, slowing down then speeding up. I noticed the transmission was shifting hard sometimes and downshifting a lot. I just thought it was the heat of the day and the heavy traffic. Suddenly, there was a hard jolt. It felt like I had been rear-ended. I checked traffic because I wasn't aware of any car being that close to me. There was no car close enough to have hit me. In fact, there was no car behind me or on either side that was close enough to have made contact with my car. I was trying to make sense of what had happened when realized that I had no power. It was very similar to what happened only a month before when I was in Orlando, FL. I had taken the car to a dealer there because it felt like a hard jolt and I had no power. The service representative said that it was a good thing that I had brought it in since we were 6 days from the warranty expiring. He assured us that he had fixed the problem and everything was okay. Ummm…. there seems to be a pattern here, maybe Mercedes gives the representatives training in this! I was frightened.

The traffic was moving very fast. The car had no power and then it would zoom forward then downshift and then lock up like I had put it in park or reverse. My mind was trying to make sense of what was happening and stay safe in all the traffic. I put on my hazard lights and the other drivers did a great job helping me to be able to coast/drive to the side of the road. My husband called when he realized I was not following him. I explained what was happening and that I was going to go to the next exit if the car would make it. I drove slowly so the transmission would not shift but it continued to shift up and down and into park. We had the car towed to Buckhead Dealership in Atlanta, GA.

On Tuesday evening, the tow truck driver asks me if the car had been towed before since there was no tow hook adapter. Thankfully, he could drive the car on to his truck otherwise there would have been no way to have the car towed. On Wednesday morning, Buckhead called to tell us that we had to replace the transmission at a cost of $8000.00. My husband said he felt like this should be covered by our now expired warranty since we have had the car serviced repeatedly for this same issue. The service manager said that we needed to contact Mercedes Corporate. Since it is a warranty issue, he could not make the call. He said the car’s service record documents that on at least 2 occasions we had brought it in for transmission problems. Actually every time, we discussed the transmission. I called **** which is the customer service department for Mercedes USA.

I explained the situation to the person taking the call. He said someone would be assigned to our file and would give us a call. I waited but no one called. I called back and was told that actually our file had been assigned to Ray but that he had gone on vacation the day after getting our file. The person I spoke to assured me that he would put a message in our file asking him to call us when he returned. I explained that a simple call to let me know that he was going on vacation would have been the customer service thing to do. Hey, anybody calling me would have been a good thing! Maybe they could have given my file to someone else who was not going on vacation, unless Ray is the only customer service representative they have working at their cooperate offices.

Ray did call on Monday to tell my husband that he was back from vacation and he assured him he would call him on Wednesday. It had now been a week since our car was towed. We waited, waited and waited some more. My daughter said, „Good luck, unless you are a pain in the butt you will not hear from him.” I told her this is Mercedes, the company with good customer service. So much for that idea! Six days later he did call to offer us assistance with the cost of repairing the transmission. My husband told him that we did not ask for assistance since we believed it was a warranty issue. He then asked Ray if he had read our file or had looked at the car’s service record. He said sort of, that he was sort of familiar with it. My husband told him he either had done the research or he had not. Things got a little heated when Ray said that we had no warranty claim. He said we had taken our car to many different places to have it serviced. Yes, we had but only to authorized Mercedes Dealers. We live in FL, we have a daughter in TX, a son in NC and another daughter in SC and friends across the nation not unlike many people across America. I bought a Mercedes because we do travel a lot with our job and to visit our kids.

I thought a Mercedes warranty was honored at all Mercedes dealers. It appears that each time we took it in, because we were from out of town, they patched us up and sent us on our way, telling us not to worry and everything was okay! As long as we could drive off, they did not have to deal with us. Since this happened, I have found that there are many more R-Class series with transmission problems just like ours. Since 2008, maybe before, Mercedes has known about the 7-speed transmission problems and the fix. Ray said that there has not been a nationwide recall so he doesn't know what we are talking about. Oh, he knows and so does Corporate Mercedes. I do not know what will happen but we believe Mercedes should replace the transmission at no cost to us. The service manager at Buckhead has been very kind to us. He says the car’s service record clearly shows that we brought the car in for transmission problems while under warranty. Unlike Ray at corporate level, he has read the car’s service record.

add your response

2014-01-26 01:16 PM
I have purchased a new Mercedes Benz E 250 on 10th of February 2010 and engine failed on same day. The company could fix it only after 12 days. I do not want the car which failed on day one and I need replacement. The company is not replacing the same and insisting on taking the same car. Please guide
(The Best or nothing...)
2014-01-27 06:03 PM
Odmah crko motor,prvi dan...kakvi su to motori ,nema ništa bez priusa
2014-01-27 07:28 PM
Ma 99% ovih prica je Dragan sam napisao. :)))
(The Best or nothing...)
2014-01-27 11:19 PM
poceo prvo kvari se posle par godina,pa posle 20k milja,i na kraju odmah se pokvari isti dan kad ga dovezes kuci..
sledeće verovatno će pokvareni da stizu kod dilera...
2014-01-28 08:07 PM
Mercedes-Benz automobiles: expensive to buy, expensive to own, poorly made with life-threatening parts. According to the most recent Consumer Reports rating of the Best & Worst 2009 Cars, Mercedes-Benz is not included among its list of the Best-Made Cars, whereas makers such as Mazda are included. Mercedes also receives the lowest possible rating for annual cost to own. It also receives the lowest possible rating for predicted reliability on several of its models. Fifteen of its models, including several C-Class models, are listed in the category Used Cars to Avoid and in Consumer Reports list of Reliability by Brand, Mercedes ranks 27th out of the 34 brands rated.

Most disturbing, however, is the fact that Mercedes makes a product that may result, by failure of a part, in the death of the driver. Some years ago, the driver of a C-Class Mercedes Wagon leased from Mercedes of Smithtown had the following experience: While driving at expressway speed, the steering in this Mercedes locked-up. The car was not difficult to steer; it was impossible to steer. It took Mercedes of Smithtown three weeks to obtain a replacement part and it paid the driver $1,000 in hush money for her experience. No other automobile maker has ever used a part that caused a problem of this nature.
(The Best or nothing...)
2014-01-28 09:02 PM
i volan otpada ovde,,27 na listi,,pa da nisu ukinuli zastavu ,verovatno bi 101 bio ispred Mercedesa po Draganu...
2014-01-29 01:14 PM
I purchased a 2003 E320 in 2007. After owning the car for six months, it began to make all kinds of interior and exterior noises. It rattled and shook, especially over bumps in the road, and sounded like it was falling apart,which it was. I took it back, they said they repaired it, but they did not. I took the car back again to the dealer in 12/08, and they convinced me to purchase a newer car, 2009 E320, which I owned for 17 days, and it sounded just like the 2003!! I returned the car in January 2009, on the 17th day of my ownership,and told them to keep it, it was as defective as the 2003.

Since then (this is March 2009), every month they show the car as a late payment, which is messing up my 850 FICO. How do I stop this - and get some RECOURSE?
(Ministar za klanje svinja)
2014-02-12 04:10 AM
Ej, Care iz Menhetna, vozi tu tvoju kantu na servis sto pre nego što se sama zaustavi

Tojota povlaci 1.9 miliona Priusa zbog greške u softveru i pazi da ti ne isprzi asik cigaru i donja ledja sa grejacima u sedistu...

(The Best or nothing...)
2014-02-14 12:08 AM
ma nemoguće za toyotu i hondu to je sve izmišljeno,one se ne kvare,,,zna se da se samo Merecedes kvari i da je pokvaren još iz fabrike..
2014-02-14 07:23 PM
I am a 28 year MB BMW repair/restore /service shop located in orlando fla. I own a 1970 MB300sel 6.3 and my parents have owned several mercedes since the early 70s... Now, my mother owns a lexus, my father is getting rid of his ML320- Reason, 17 times for warrenty repairs, God knows how many times I have replaced the dampner on crank, window switches, brakes, a/c evap, window regs, headlight bulbs, tires, etc... You get the picture.. I have seen MB and BMW quality fall rapidly in the last 20 years and it makes me sad to say all the complaints I have read about all MB cars or trucks is absolutly true. I think,in my opinion, the last good MB was the 123, 126 class diesel, 420, and 560 models. My own 6.3 has the orginal a/c evap in it. I cannot count the times I have replaced them in other MB models. It is sad to see a once great name in automotive history go down the tube like this.i was hoping to retire a MB/BMW repair tech,but the way they are going I will probably be out of bussiness in a matter or years due to the fact that the cars, trucks are just plain junk. The other thing that bothers me most is when I have to tell my long time and new customers the rediculous cost of repairing their vehicles, due to the fact that they are, indeed junk. I feel very badly for the people that buy them thinking they are getting a vehicle „engineered like no other car in the world” when that is exactly what they are getting. Thank god that other manufacturers dont engineer them like that.
(The Best or nothing...)
2014-02-14 10:32 PM
ovaj „serviser” je pravi zuti placenik///
(Ministar za klanje svinja)
2014-02-16 02:53 PM
Izgleda da mi je grejac u Prijusu potpalio „donji stroj”

2014-02-16 08:19 PM
„Engineered like no other car in the world ”
Hahahahahahaha !!!
2014-02-27 01:50 PM
Procito sam sve komentare,jako interesantna tema za mene.Do sada sam dao puno,puno love za auta.Imao sam svakakvih ,nisam vozio samo MB,pre pari mjeseci sam kupio novu E 250,204 KS i šta da kažem:auto je auto al mercedes je meercedes!Zakon!
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