Prosledjujem ovde, ako ima zainteresovanih da pomognu da Sveti Sava (sad muzej) ne ode na foreclosure...
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Dear Members and Friends;
This is to advise you of the current, unfortunate and desperate situation at SAMS. In the previous letter dated July 10, 2012 (Tesla's BD) you were informed where we stand. At our last board meeting July 17, 2012, we re-evaluated all options regarding taxes due on July 26th, the Board Treasurer reported a bank balance of $6,500. Again, the 448 W Barry taxes are due in the amount of $46,000. Can we, as a community, raise the additional $40.000, in a few days, weeks, months? If this does not happen, our 2010 taxes will be sold on August 3, 2012. Because of this situation, we will be in default of our mortgage and face foreclosure. This is a SOS call for the Serbian community to rise to the occasion and save this precious and unique property and organization with a six decade long history. The present board tried all possible options to save and develop the museum despite our long standing financial burden. Without your help and involvement, we will not be able to sustain. If we are unable to pay these taxes, the board will have no alternative but to take necessary action to sell the property. It's tragic that in a city with the largest Serbian population outside of Belgrade, is unable to achieve this goal. At minimum, the Museum would need 400 people within our Serbian community to contribute $100 each to save this historic institution!
The board would like to express its appreciation to those Members and Friends who have helped thus far, and ask those that are willing and able to please step forward and join us in this challenge of saving this cultural foothold. Should you have any further questions please call the Museum.
SAMS Board of Directors
Postovani clanovi i prijatelji,
Ovim pismom želimo da vas obavestimo o teskoj i očajnoj situaciji u kojoj se SAMS nalazi. U prethodnom pismu datiranom 10. jula, 2012 (Teslin rođendan) smo vas obavestili o finansijskoj situaciji. Na proslom sastanku uprave 17. jula, 2012 smo razmatrali sve mogućnosti u vezi sa placanjem poreza na nekretnine koji mora da se plati do 26. jula. Na cekovnom racunu trenutno imamo $6,500, a iznos koji se mora namiriti za porez je $46.000. Da li nasa srpska zajednica može da sakupi $40.000 u narednih nekoliko dana? U slučaju da to ne budemo u stanju, nas porez će biti prodat na javnoj aukciji 3 avgusta, 2012. Posledica će biti, da nećemo moći da ispunimo obaveze prema poveriocima, sto povlacii proces „foreclosure”, odnosno bankrot. Ovo je SOS poziv svim Srbima da se okupimo i sacuvamo dragocenu i jedinstvenu imovinu ustanove stare sest decenija. Sadasnji upravni odbor pokusava sve sto je u ljudskoj moći da sacuva i oplemeni muzej uprkos teskom novcanom dugu. Bez vase pomoćii i ucesca, ocigledno je da se muzej neće odrzati. Ukoliko se porez ne plati, odbor neće imati izbora, već da preduzme potrebne korake da proda imovinu. Tragicno bi bilo da nema čak ni 400 ljudi srpskog porekla koji bi doprineli sa po 100 dolara da se sacuva ova istorijska ustanova. Za blize i podrobnije informacije zovite Muzej,
S postovanjem,
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