Oktobar, '29, '87, '08,. .
2019-09-21 09:04 PM
Authored by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,
Are we about to see U.S. financial markets go crazy? That is what Goldman Sachs seems to think, and it certainly wouldn’t be the first time that great financial chaos has been unleashed during the month of October. When the stock market crashed in October 1929, it started the worst economic depression that we have ever witnessed. In October 1987, the largest single day percentage decline in U.S. stock market history rocked the entire planet. And the nightmarish events of October 2008 set the stage for a „Great Recession” that we still haven’t fully recovered from. So could it be possible that something similar may happen in October 2019?
2019-09-26 11:55 PM
Pa ni ja se ne sjecam, tad se nisam „bavio” berzom :) ali sam proguglao.
great depression - Oct 29, 1929
black monday - Oct 27, 1987
great recession - Dec 2007
Neće imati pare. Ali nisam razumio šta hoćeš da kažeš? Tako je već odavno.
2019-12-30 04:23 AM
Pravda_i_istina, šta bi od tog najavljenog pada u oktobru?! VTSMX je od 1-og oktobra do danas skocio 10,10% u ceni. Ako si bio povukao pare sa berze jer može da padne, ispostavlja se da si napravio grešku. Sad je još teze pitanje kad se vratiti na berzu. Kad god da se budes vratio, imace sanse da padne. Teško je predvidjati berzu na kratak rok, eto vidis i da ti „eksperti” iz Goldman Saksa nemaju bas dobar rezultat u predvidjanju. Umesto da predvidjanja kratkorocna pomeranja, napravi neki dobar dugorocan plan i onda ga se pridržavaj. Možeš da investiras vrlo jednostavno, da trosis minimalno vremena na to tokom godine, a da i dalje imaš garantovano natprosecne rezultate. Sve najbolje šta god odlucio.