Forums : Berza

Inc ili llc
2015-02-21 03:36 PM
Pozdrav za sve na forumu,

imam jedno pitanje onako generalno vezano za osnivanje firme u usa?

radi se o osnivanju tj otvaranju trucking kompanije,pa me interesuje koji naziv da dam pored
imena kompanije da dam

ime xxxxx INC ili
xxxxx LLC

Koje su prednosi jednog u odnosu na drugo,kao I nedostaci ,koje je bolje u smislu poslovanja(planiram da imam najviše 4 kamiona)
tako da bi se radilo o maloj companiji,dva svoja I dva ovneroperatora,
hvala na odgovorima

2015-02-21 09:31 PM
Inc, pišem po secanju, treba imati određen broj zaposlenih, tj. Regulisano je zakonom kad firma dobija inc.
U tvom slučaju llc.
Prednosti i mane su mi maglovite, nešto u smislu kad si inc onda ne podleze tvoja imovina... u slučaju neke nevolje, tuzbe...

Ja zapoceo jer niko nije, a profa će se verovatno javiti i reci kako stvari stoje.
2015-02-22 09:21 PM
Ja sam iz Kanade i ne poznajem americke zakone ali u sustini to bi trebala da bude razlika u odgovornosti kompanije za posao koji obavlja.

Pošto se ovde sude za sve i svasta, i vrlo lako bi i sam mogao da upadnes u kakvu zamku, preporucio bi ti INC , jer u suprotnom bi morao da uzmes ogromno osiguranje, da ne izgubis i gace, koje bi moglo da kosta vise nego koliko bi te vise kostalo vodjenje prduzeca ili INC u ovoj prici.
2015-02-23 08:37 AM
hvala na komentarima,moracu se detaljnije o tom raspitati
2015-02-23 02:57 PM
evo na brzake

„Most people think that LLCs are probably the wave of the future,” says Mark Luscombe, principal analyst for the federal and state tax group at CCH, an electronic and print publisher of tax and business legal information. „It's gradually supplanting other forms, except for companies that eventually are interested in going public.”

Advantages: LLCs, like corporations, provide business owners with liability protection. That is, debtors will go after company assets, not your personal assets. That's a step up from partnerships and sole proprietorships when your personal assets may be used to settle a business debt. Unlike corporations, LLCs don't suffer from double-taxation, in which the corporate entity is taxed and then its shareholders' dividends are taxed as well. This benefit applies to LLCs that are classified as partnerships for tax purposes. An LLC tax preparer simply checks a box on his or her federal return to indicate how the organization will be taxed. Some states' tax laws mirror the federal government's treatment of LLCs.

Earnings and losses pass through to the owners and are included on their personal tax returns. There's also less paperwork involved with running an LLC than a formal corporation: „No year-end minutes, no notification of shareholders of meetings and so on,” says Dan Zabludowski, a partner with the law firm of Litow, Cutler & Zabludowski, an LLC with offices in Coral Gables and Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

Finally, LLCs are the most flexible when it comes to organization. For example, there are fewer rules regarding who can be a shareholder. They also tend to be more informally run than a regular corporation.

Disadvantages: Tax liability for an LLC varies by state. So if your company is going to operate in several different states, you'll have to know how they treat LLCs before electing to choose this type of corporate structure. An LLC also can't go public, so if you're the owner of a dot-com that envisions an initial public offering down the road, incorporation is a better route to take. Otherwise, you'll have to switch your company from being an LLC to being a corporation. That can add to the cost of your IPO.

Lawyers, who are less familiar with the newer LLCs than regular incorporation, also may charge more for helping you form an LLC than another corporate structure.

The cost of launching an LLC also varies by state. Some states charge more for a LLC than to incorporate, some charge less and some charge the same rate regardless of what form of corporate structure that you choose. A few states even charge special annual fees for LLCs. Finally some states require two or more partners for an LLC so if you're going into business solo, this business format is not for you.

A new business can form a C corporation or an S corporation. According to some press reports, the number of S corporations that are sprouting is actually surpassing the formation of C corporations in part because of the advantages inherent with S corporations. Most businesses just starting out will opt for the S classification.

Advantages: Unlike LLCs, both S corporations and C corporations can go public. For that reason, venture capital companies prefer to work with corporations rather than with LLCs. S corporations, like LLCs, don't suffer from double taxation. C corporations may face double taxation, but they can have incentive stock option plans.

Disadvantages of corporations: As mentioned previously, C corporations face double-taxation, but S corporations also have drawbacks. Their chief disadvantage is that the number of shareholders that an S corporation can have is capped at 35, according to Zabludowski.

Both S and C corporations require more ongoing paperwork than an LLC. They must file articles of incorporation, hold directors' and shareholders' meetings, keep corporate minutes and hold shareholder votes on major corporate decisions.
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