Forums : Moj vrt

2009-07-16 06:12 AM
Da li neko zna kako da zastitim pelargonije preko zime? Nemam hladnu prostoriju. Da li na neki način mogu preziviti na balkonu?
(masinski ing.)
2009-07-17 11:09 AM
Nema sanse da može ostati na balkonu. Izdržava do 7*C.

Evo ti clanak pa procitaj kako se to održava preko zime.
(masinski ing.)
2009-07-17 11:17 AM
Klikni sa strane na Hortikultura, a onda na Balkonsko cvjece Pelargonija
2009-07-17 04:30 PM
Hvala na savetu Vrba. Znam da ne mogu preziviti vani.
Ja sam jednom davno čula kako ako se ociste od zemlje i zamotaju u novinski papir, mogu da prezive. Ali, nisam zapamtila gde treba da stoje u tom stanju. Da li je to neko isprobao?
2009-07-27 07:13 PM
trebalo bi da stoje u hladnoj ,mracnoj prostoriji objesene naopako ,ali nisam nikada isprobala.Možda je jednostavnije unijeti čitavu posudu na hladno i mracno mjesto i tako ostaviti preko zime.
2009-07-27 07:19 PM
Evo ima i ovdje.Znaci ,preko zime bi trebalo 2-3 puta da se stabljike potapaju u vodu .
Dormant Storage

Geraniums are unusual and unlike many annual flowers, they have the ability to survive for most of the winter without soil. If properly stored, they can resist extended dry periods due to their thick, succulent-like stems. To overwinter geraniums in dormant storage, dig up the entire plant before frost and gently shake the soil from the roots. Place the plants inside open paper bags or hang them upside-down from the rafters in a cool, dark location for the winter. Ideally the temperature should be between 45-50°F. Two or three times during the winter, take the plants out the bags or down from the rafters and soak the roots in water for 1 or 2 hours. At this time, inspect the stems. While many of the leaves will die and fall off, the stems should remain firm and solid. Discard any geraniums with shriveled stems, since those plants will most likely die. Pot up healthy dormant geraniums in containers in late March or early April. Water plants thoroughly and cut back the dead stem tips. Place potted plants in a sunny window to initiate new growth. It often takes several weeks for plants to initiate growth after dormant storage.

No matter how geraniums have been overwintered, they should be healthy, free-flowering plants for spring. After being indoors all winter, your geraniums may be as anxious as you are for spring planting. Plant them after the danger of frost has passed and enjoy their colorful blooms all summer. You can invest your savings in new geranium varieties to overwinter next year.
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