Forums : Zdravlje

Sredstva za higijenu u Kanadi
2014-10-11 05:53 PM
Interesuje me, ako može neko ko radi u Kanadi kao zdravstveni radnik, šta se ovde koristi za dezinfekciju kao nas Asepsol
? U Srbiji sam uvek kristila Asepsol za dezinfekciju podova, plocica itd., a ovde ne vidim u apotekama ništa slično. Da li nešto postoji što se koristi za dezinfekciju u Kanadi? Hvala!
2014-10-11 08:30 PM
Stagod da ima bleach ili peroksid u sebi.
2014-10-12 01:19 AM
Hvala na odgovoru! Blich dodajem nekad u ves, ali posle pazom da se dobro ispere, a asepsolom sam premazivala podove i nisam ispirala. Imala sam mace pa sam zato povremeno sve dezinfikovala. Sad me interesuje zbog ebole, kako i čim dezinfikovati kvake i slično? Ako namazem rastvorom blica, da li moram to da isperem ili to tako da ostane da stoji?
(skupljacica meda)
2014-10-12 12:40 PM
Ti bi da dezinfikujes radi ebole? Ambiciozno! Javi se Svetskoj zdravstenoj organizaciji i reci im da si pronasla rešenje.

Poradi malo na nacinu razmišljanja.

2014-10-12 03:13 PM
Zbog ebole ??? dezinfekcija brave i slično ? genijalno,ovo je za Nobela :)
2014-10-12 10:14 PM
Pa ne znam šta vam je smesno?! Bar nešto covek mora da radi? Zašto onda oni ljudi u skafanderima setaju i prskaju dezinfekcionim sredstvom sve sto su bolesnici dodirnuli? I, kažu da se zaraza prenose sekretom, to jest, ako zarazen uhvati kvaku, pa posle njega neko drugi dodirne tu kvaku, tako se zarazi... Šta je tu cudno? Normalno je da sve treba non stop dzinfikovati, vrata u autobusima, u metrou, podove, sve... Cudno je da to još ne rade..
2014-10-13 10:42 PM
Rukavice izvan kuce na javnim povrsinama.
2014-10-13 10:53 PM
Prezivjeli smo SARS vala će mo i Ebolu...samo da neko bombarduje izvor zaraze da vise nema novih slučajeva.Dokle god se Afrika ne „ugasi” sa novim slučajevima, svjet nikada neće prestati sa novim infekcijama.Zato je Sars bio drugaciji je izvor poceo sa jednom osobom.Ebola tinja endemicno u africi još od 1976.
(skupljacica meda)
2014-10-14 11:14 AM
In a nutshell: ako ebola stigne tamo gde ti živis, nikakvo sredstvo za dezinfekciju ti neće pomoći. Da bilo koje sredstvo za dezinfekciju sprečava i ubija ebolu, svi naucnici sveta bi to davno znali a ne bi radili na istrazivanju leka.

Sredstvo za dezinfekciju je bas to, sredstvo za dezinfekciju, a ne lek protiv ebole.
2014-10-18 09:18 AM
Lysol vlazne maramice i sprej. Ne verujem bas da su bezbedni za kucne ljubimce.

I samo još da dodam: na ovom forumu sam ja (ne samo ja, mnogi drugi) pre izvesnog vremena nasla odgovore na važna pitanja koja su me mucila, a imala sam ozbiljne probleme. U međuvremenu ekipa se verovatno promenila, pa ako neko postavi pitanje napadne ga jato prepametnih koji vredjaju, podsmevaju se i prave budalu od osobe koja trazi savet. Ne znam zašto moderacija (ako uopste postoji) ne reaguje. Meni je muka od ovih komentara.
Ljudi nervozni ste, vara vas muž, žena, zeza vas sef, smaraju vas deca…. nebitno. SJASITE!
2014-10-18 05:26 PM
Apsolutno tačno!!! Ovakvo stanje traje već dugo, stari nestali, novi dosli i „pomeli” najhumaniju diskusiju na SC-u. Steta, prava steta!
2014-10-18 06:32 PM
'„pomeli” najhumaniju diskusiju na SC-u. Steta, prava steta!'

Naravno da je steta.Frustriranim kompleksasima i nadrilekarima zabraniti pristup> Treba podstaci i ohrabriti ljude da potraže pomoć i savet. Ovaj forum je na umoru.
2014-10-21 08:35 AM
Niposto ne mokriti u kadI a kako preporuchuje SC

A key difference with Mr Fidyka was that the scientists were able use the patient's olfactory bulb, which is the richest source of olfactory ensheathing cells.

This meant there was no danger of rejection, so no need for immunosuppressive drugs used in conventional transplants.

Most of the repair of Mr Fidyka's spinal cord was done on the left side, where there was an 8mm gap.

He has since regained muscle mass and movement mostly on that side.

Scientists believe this is evidence that the recovery is due to regeneration, as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord.

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord

as signals from the brain controlling muscles in the left leg travel down the left side of the spinal cord


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