Forums : Skandinavija

IT u svedskoj
2012-05-15 06:02 PM
Pozdrav svima,

može li mi neko reći kako IT struka prolazi u Švedskoj, kako doći do posla, da li se isplati napuštati državnu ustanovu i doći u Švedsku i raditi. Imam 26 godina i 4 godine iskustva u Lokalnoj samoupravi kao sistem administrator. Završio sam fakultet, imam završenu obuku za Oracle DB administratora.

Unapred hvala.
(sta te briga)
2012-05-16 04:49 AM

Ja sam na IT fakultetu u Stockholmu. Mislim da ima još buducnosti za IT. Tehnologija napreduje iz dana u dan al da konkurencije ima, ima je. Ako se pokazes u dobrom svjetlu ko na konju si. Bar po mom mišljenju...
Pozz i sa srećom.
2012-05-16 11:48 AM
i sam znaš da su sertifikati bitni, al' znanje presudno.
imaš internet, probaj da opipas puls sa firmama odavde.
ali kako sigurno nemas svedsko ime i prezime, slabije će te voleti.
malo su seronje, jer vole da znaš i njihov jezik. često je uslov.
čini mi se da je bolje u evropi dole, norveska, ili negde mnogo dalje.
2012-05-16 01:42 PM
Svedska ti je najgora država u Skandinaviji što se tiče poslova. Ovde bi ti preporucio samo ako već znaš jezik (mada bi u tom slučaju Norveska ipak bila bolji izbor posto se ne razlici puno).
Sto Kristinche rece, ima konkurencije dosta, ali nije da ne traže system administratore.
Mnogo zavisi od kontakata, jezika, i donekle prezimena (zavisi gde živis).
2012-05-16 04:40 PM
Možeš da upises Master studije u Svedskoj i to bi ti bila najbolja opcija. Tako možeš uspostaviti kontakte i ostati. Sa običnim fakultetom ne možeš mnogo kao neko iz druge zemlje. Mada ne trebam uopsteno pricati. Probaj i konkurisi.
Nije probelm što ne znaš jezik sve je na engleskom. Moja supruga ima kolege iz celog sveta koji rade doktorske studije a ima neki sto su dosli na master i svi govore engleski tako da jezik nije problem.
Evo ti primer sto trenutno traže u okviru IT:
End 2 End Service Architect in Telematics
WirelessCar is one of the world’s leading telematics service providers serving both the automotive and commercial vehicle sectors with services that are operational in 50 countries.​ WirelessCar is part of Volvo IT, which are a global company and a subsidiary of the Volvo Group.​ WirelessCar operates as an independent entity addressing all vehicle manufacturers including customers such as BMW, Volvo Cars, Volvo Trucks, Renault Trucks, Volvo Construction Equipment, Mack Trucks etc.​

Job description:
We are looking for an End 2 End Service Architect for our projects at Volvo Group Telematics.​

You will be leading and participating in service development at Volvo Group Telematics.​ Important elements of the work is understanding customer requirements and translate these into effective solutions, recognizing potential reuse between projects and components is also a vital aspect.​

The E2E Service Architect has the responsibility for end-to-end requirements and design of telematic services.​ The work is done in networking with specialists and architects from various solutions providers, internal and external.​

The E2E Service Architect has a major role in telematic projects, and then reports to the CPM.​ The E2E Service Architect also supports the Service Manager for the telematics products, in providing input to future development and improvement tasks.​ The job also consists of specifications work in pre-studies.​

We are now looking for you that have a minimum of 3 years documented experience from assignments in designing and developing E2E system solutions.​ For this position you need to have experience from High availability design and from complex system with many autonomous clients.​ If you have experience from the telecom or/​and vehicle industry is this advantage.​

We believe that you are social, flexible and like working in teams.​ You have a strong customer focus and a natural, service minded attitude.​ In your working situation you enjoy teamwork but you can also work independently and take initiative with a result-oriented mindset.​ You motivate your colleagues and you have a positive attitude.​

The general qualifications are that you have an adequate academic qualification and that you are a communicative team-player.​ You have to have the ability establish and maintain good relations and also have the ability to work in global, multi-cultural organization.​ You are proactive and have a strong drive to continuously challenge and improve your knowledge.​ You are a good communicator and have deep presentations skills.​ You also have to be proficient in both spoken and written English and Swedish.​

In return we can offer
We can offer an opportunity to work with experienced and knowledgeable colleagues in an exciting and dynamic global environment in great growth and expansion.​ We can provide you with an opportunity to grow and develop both professionally and as an individual.​ We collaborate with our suppliers and partners with the latest services and solutions to help our customers increase profitability and growth by using Connected Services.​

Date of employment:
To be agreed upon

This position is located in Gothenburg, Sweden

Last application date:

Welcome to send in your application here!

For further information, please contact:
Mikael Stridsman, tel; +​46 31 322 32 03
2012-05-16 04:44 PM
Senior Linux system administrator

Appello is an experienced location services company.

We are building the mobile location services of today and tomorrow together with some of the biggest telecom brands around the world.„

Appello was one of the first companies to put turn-by-turn navigation into the cloud and deliver an online, updated and truly local mobile navigation experience as opposed to the inflexible personal navigation systems. This was many years ago and our goal has not shifted. With our products we have the ambition to simplify, encourage and put joy into the lives of mobile people. We’re a relatively small team and all the things fantastic we achieve are thanks to a brilliant team of people, our great technology and an outstanding network of partners and friends.

We like to think of Appello as a young and – dare we say it – innovative company. We believe in things like taking initiatives, rolling up our sleeves, collaboration, sharing of knowledge and experience, assuming responsibility and having fun on and off work. Our dashing office is located in central Gothenburg. We are more interested in the output than at what time you arrive at the office in the morning.

Mobile location based services are our world. We are continuously expanding our product and service portfolio and finding new partners to work with. This makes Appello a versatile workplace where you will be challenged and encouraged to try new things.

The opportunity:

You will be responsible for the planning, administration and development of our production environment which provides global services to millions of end-users. You will work closely with our talented developers to ensure we build a robust system with high availability. In the future you will have the opportunity to build and manage your own operations team and become the manager of system operations.

This is a great opportunity for you who like challenges and responsibility!

The responsibility includes:

• Operation and maintenance of Appello’s servers

• Data Security

• Capacity and performance monitoring

• Risk management

• Networking and Infrastructure

• Planning and design of alternative hosting center

We are working with CentOS / Redhat, MySQL, Tomcat, Nexenta / Solaris, VMware. Knowledge of these products is an advantage.

Skills and experience:

• At least 3 years experience in system operations

• Extensive experience in Linux environments

• Solid database knowledge, backup, availability, and optimization

• Knowledge of load balancing

• Deep knowledge of firewalls and network

• Knowledge of virtualization

• SSL and SSL Certificates

• Fluency in Swedish and English both written and oral

In this recruitment we are cooperating with Dfind IT. Should you need more information, please contact Anders Kantola, 0733 - 573688. Register your application on or send it to [email protected]. Selection and interviews will be made continuously.

Uppdragsgivare: Appello Systems AB

Ort: Göteborg ”
2012-05-16 04:48 PM

Solaris L2 Administrator in Sweden

Westhouse provides IT, Engineering, Finance, Retail, Pharma and Chemical solutions. We offer an entire range of technical and functional consulting services. We operate with a worldwide network of highly skilled collaborators. Our clients appreciate the targeted solutions which we propose and implement for their demanding assignments.

Based in Munich, Stuttgart, Hamburg, Zurich, Milan, Barcelona, New York and Mumbai, Westhouse today ranks among the leading IT service providers operating on an international scale.

Our client an important multinational company is looking for his branch in Sodertalje, Sweden:

Solaris L2 Administrator


- Adhering to SLAs
- ITIL Processes awareness and adhering to
- Reporting to the Track Lead/Team Lead
- Helping team members in case of Issues/Technical Problems
- Handling tickets/requests
- Troubleshooting technical issues
- Ensuring that the processes are adhered to
- Understanding of Multi-geo support environment
- Responsible for successful completion of Installation, configuration and migration
- Ensure maximum uptime according to the SLA
- Responsible for building/maintaining a test environment
- Improves and maintains customer and employee satisfaction
- Implementing new technologies and design changes
- Implementing Backup/Restoration Strategy for 24x7 operation support
- Applying patches/upgrades to maintain security level
- Assist in implementation of Data centre consolidation
- Perform H/W & performance monitoring and implement recommendations
- Day-to-Day reporting tasks
- Vendor co-ordination & followup

Technical Requirements

- Installing, configuring and maintaining Sun Servers
- Account and Printer administration
- Patch and package administration
- Configuration and administration of Sun and Veritas Logical volume manager.
- Day to day administration tasks on High end Servers & Virtualized environment
- Knowledge about various FS like UFS, VxFS, ZFS, Pseudo FS and day-to-day tasks related to it
- Identify system performance bottleneck and fine tune the system for optimal performance
- Scheduling jobs using OS tools and third party utilities
- Changing Kernel parameters
- Understanding of SAN/NAS environment
- Day to day administration task on Sun or Veritas Cluster environment
- Day to day administration task NFS, AutoFS and naming services like DNS, NIS, LDAP..etc
- Understanding of Unix Security baseline
- Network configuration, Multipathing, trunking and troubleshooting using OS commands
- Troubleshooting Hardware and Operating system related issue

Soft Skills

- Excellent communication and conversation skills (Verbal and Written)
- Good documentation skills
- Good working knowledge of MS Office (Including MS Project and Visio)
- Should have a great customer handling skills
- Able to handle unforeseen situations
- High level of acceptance
- Can drive xxx's value and its methodology

Other Skills/Experience

- Worked on Production systems
- Datacenter understanding
- Experience with Server Migration, Installation, Upgrades and Patching

Experience on following will be added advantage
- Samba
- NIS+
- Sendmail
- Monitoring Tools (like BMC Patrol, HP Openview, IBM Tivoli)

Years of Experience

Total: 5+ Years of experience

Relavant: Minimum of 3 years in Solaris Administration/Support

If you are interested in this offer, please send us your Curriculum Vitae.
2012-05-16 04:50 PM
Procitaj i informisi se sto trenutno traže kada se radi o IT.
Ne mogu da tražim vise...ali ima dosta oglasa, nadam se da će se još neko javiti u postaviti neki oglas.
Good luck!!
2012-05-18 07:43 PM
Hvala svima na pomoći.
2012-06-04 09:05 AM
Мрки вуче, овде у ИТ бранши има доста посла али не толико да запошљавају било кога ко зна нешто. Шведски ти није неопходан у смислу да има послова где би прошао и са енглеским али послодавци генерално траже и познавање шведског. Један мој колега је јако добро описао разлику између имигранта и експерта - експерт не мора да учи језик. Уколико си експерт у својој области и имаш знање којег је оскудица у свету, неће ти бити проблем да нађеш посао и нико те неће питати за језик (осим енглеског). Уколико имаш компетенцију која може да се нађе у Шведској онда послодавац нема разлога да запошљава тебе, јер да би то урадио он мора да прође одређену процедуру која је законом регулисана (рецимо предност имају кадрови из ЕУ).
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